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Mahjong master achievement in Nightmares from the Deep 2: The Siren's Call

Mahjong master

Finish all the games of Mahjong.

Mahjong master0

How to unlock the Mahjong master achievement

  • Jinus2015Jinus2015
    26 Aug 2016 30 Aug 2016
    14 0 8
    In order to get all games of majong done you need to press cn_down at every hidden object scene. After you do that a game of majong will appear. Click on 2 matching tiles that are both lightly colored and they will disappear. Finish all the tiles and you will be done with one of the 20 games there are in the game. If you get stuck you can shuffle the board with the string on the right side of the screen. The last game of majong will happen near the end of the game. After all 20 you are done.

    Ding! Congrats the achievement is yours.

    If you like this solution please hit the like button and if i can improve something leave it in the comments.
    Showing all 8 comments. Leave a comment.
    MoneyShot360Can you do both the hidden object games and majong? If not, can you replay scenes after you beat the game?
    Posted by MoneyShot360 on 11 Oct 16 at 18:36
    Jinus2015What you have to do is do a whole play through doing one or the other so what I did is play the first play through on expert doing the hidden objects and then another on casual doing mahjong
    Posted by Jinus2015 on 11 Oct 16 at 18:52
    EverStoned77Don't know if I'm the only one who have had this problem but for some weird reason this didn't pop for me when it should.
    Having followed the walkthrough, my 1st thought was that it must have been the "glitch" you use to do the 1min Mahjong (play most as a Object Game then change to Mahjong just as you click the final hidden object) so I started a new game...let me here add that the game keeps track of which games you've played so as soon as you play the one you've missed then the achievement will pop... HOWEVER...I played through & did the first Hidden Object scene as a full Mahjong Game but to my great surprise nothing happened shock thinking that in worst case I'd have to play the full game again I went on & then as I was on the 3rd Hidden Object Scene,the one where you can't see the whole thing because you're using the lighter,& as I finished that Mahjong game the achievement popped which is really weird because you need to do that scene to progress so apparently it hadn't counted or whatever...IDK roll
    Did however wanna let others know that you can do it this way so if you make it through with no achievement then it will pop as soon as you've done the one(s) you miss smile
    Posted by EverStoned77 on 07 Dec 16 at 01:35
    oneEyEstang22do you have to do the Mahjong in the bonus level too ???
    Posted by oneEyEstang22 on 26 Jun 17 at 01:08
    Jinus2015No you do not
    Posted by Jinus2015 on 26 Jun 17 at 01:14
    oneEyEstang22thanks Jinus, I'll have to find the one I missed
    Posted by oneEyEstang22 on 26 Jun 17 at 13:41
    ScarletReptileI played through the whole game and I swear I did mahjong on every one that they allowed me to, but I only have it 95% complete. Guess I need to play through the game a third time tonight :/
    Posted by ScarletReptile on 23 May 21 at 07:45
    Tandar1Same, this game and it's glitch problem :/
    Posted by Tandar1 on 03 Apr 23 at 21:45
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