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TV Junkie achievement in Just Sing

TV Junkie

Watch 40 performances by different performers

TV Junkie0

How to unlock the TV Junkie achievement

  • KanchanaburiKanchanaburi
    23 Sep 2016 23 Sep 2016
    This is pretty simple to do. You must go into the 'watch' menu and watch 40 DIFFERENT performers (as it says).

    You can quickly accomplish this by starting the song, and as soon as you see the video start, you can back out with cn_B and choose another unique performer. If you pull up the original achievement app you can back out once it moves.

    NOTE: that uploaded videos are only available (at time of game's release) for 12-13 days after the performer uploaded it. THEREFORE, this could become difficult as time goes by since it depends on a larger community uploading. I would suggest making sure and focusing on doing this achievement to ensure you it is possible since if people stop using/uploading this would be unobtainable.

    you will also gain these along the way.

    Just SingTV ManiaThe TV Mania achievement in Just Sing worth 78 pointsWatch 20 performances by different performers

    Just SingTV FanThe TV Fan achievement in Just Sing worth 57 pointsWatch 10 performances by different performers
    Showing most recent comments. View all comments.
    III Torpedo IIII am uploading at the moment with some accounts :) it would be great if you do the same ;)

    EDIT: mhmmm it's not working?! no new videos from me or me 2nd profile?! Are they checking the videos?! I was filming the wall :-D
    Posted by III Torpedo III on 16 Apr 17 at 23:49
    Avitawaythey seem to take day or 2 to upload for some reason, I will post some in the morning also :) Hopefully more peoples see this and post too :)
    Posted by Avitaway on 17 Apr 17 at 01:06
    III Torpedo IIIand the other accounts need to have an Ubisoft account..ANNOYING :-D
    Posted by III Torpedo III on 17 Apr 17 at 01:42
    AvitawayI have managed to find a couple more in the past few days, I tried uploading a few myself but they dont seem to appear fro some reason. Did you have any success in the end?
    Posted by Avitaway on 19 Apr 17 at 20:18
    III Torpedo IIII only got me uploaded when I put it to friends only... you can add me :)
    Posted by III Torpedo III on 19 Apr 17 at 21:46
    imaidiot19FYI...don't be like me and delete your saves thinking you could watch the same ones again...that info is server side, so you just lose out on your progress. Need just 11 more to go to finish this game.
    Posted by imaidiot19 on 09 May 17 at 03:55
    LordFightALotIf people could upload more, that would be great! I'm currently uploading myself. If somebody could help out, that would be great!
    Posted by LordFightALot on 22 Jun 17 at 11:58
    b30118218Whilst i got this achievement a long time ago, it may be an FYI to update the game to say that the game seems to have been having issues with servers now for over six months where it cannot connect to Ubisoft and thus meaning the game has to be played offline making this achievement possibly unobtainable at the moment.
    Posted by b30118218 on 28 Jan 18 at 15:13
    FinnanTrying to upload songs, but every time i restart the game, the count goes back to 0/16, and i never see my song uploaded. Can anyone confirm whether or not they can upload a song?
    Posted by Finnan on 15 Apr 18 at 20:22
    Uploading to everyone does not seem to work anymore prior to server closure.


    I uploaded two videos - and instead of public marked "just friends" they are sitting now in the public view to allow I think anyone to watch them. They expire in 13 days. Not sure if other people do this - we can unlock all 40 unique performers if this is done?
    Posted on 30 May 18 at 00:34
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