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SNICKERS. Hunger to Win > Hunger achievement in WWE 2K17 (Xbox 360)

SNICKERS. Hunger to Win > Hunger

WWE Universe - Play and win 50 matches.

SNICKERS. Hunger to Win > Hunger0
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How to unlock the SNICKERS. Hunger to Win > Hunger achievement

  • mossfan563mossfan563
    23 Jan 2018 23 Jan 2018 23 Jan 2018
    Quickest way to do this is by doing all 1v1 or Triple Threat matches, turning off entrances and turn match pace to Quick and then go into the Match Rules and turn on "Finisher Match".

    Once in the match, get your signature and finisher quickly and hit it on your opponent and that will count as a win.

    Avoid tag matches and submission matches and any other game mode that will probably be slow.

    I didn't customize matches to give myself infinite finishers to make it go even quicker as I wasn't sure if that would invalidate the achievement (like it did on the X1).

    If it doesn't I'll change the solution.

    You could also put this on Easy difficulty in the settings at the Main Menu to make it easier for yourself but I left it on Normal.
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    rGR8TxInfinite finishers does work. I customized the card putting myself in each Match. Infinite finishers and finishers to win. Took awhile but got the 70 👌
    Posted by rGR8Tx on 06 Jul 22 at 08:55
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