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Rank: Satisfy the robot achievement in One Hundred Ways

Rank: Satisfy the robot

Finish level 116-123

Rank: Satisfy the robot0

How to unlock the Rank: Satisfy the robot achievement

  • Aki2403Aki2403
    09 Oct 2016 10 Oct 2016 17 Feb 2019
    Solutions for levels 116-123


    Last two pieces are sometimes needed.



    Could also be done with a single spring.

    Cake Is A Lie
    Credit To UseLessUK for this solution.

    Can be done by just starting the level.

    Apparently they changed something and this solution broke. Notarzt has been kind enough to provide an updated solution.
    Showing most recent comments. View all comments.
    IDarK VorteXXLevel 123 just doesnt want to work. The second tile flings it to the right most of the time but it just doesnt want to land on the platform with the teleporter entrance. It just doesnt want to climb back up.
    Posted by IDarK VorteXX on 12 Oct 16 at 23:31
    IDarK VorteXXFinally, after like 50+ trie it worked. So frustrating. I hate puzzle games with RNG elements. RNG isnt a test of intelligence.
    Posted by IDarK VorteXX on 12 Oct 16 at 23:34
    Aki2403I agree, it's ridiculous. I keep thinking there must be another way, I'll go back and have a look at it when I've done solutions for the rest of the puzzles.
    Posted by Aki2403 on 13 Oct 16 at 04:39
    UseLessUKUploading an alternative solution for 123 should be there soon...

    Here you go:

    Just a note to say I did not come up with the solution to Level 123 I got it from Braders77UK
    Posted by UseLessUK on 15 Oct 16 at 18:43
    SDREW44Perfect!! +1 From Me!! smile
    Posted by SDREW44 on 19 Nov 16 at 02:08
    MI5006i dunno, i've done 123 three times now using the solution provided above, but the achievement for 116 - 123 just doesn't want to unlock. Stuck at 99%, even though im on to level 125. Anyone have any suggestions?
    Posted by MI5006 on 10 Oct 17 at 19:26
    BahaumautFor level 123, it seems like the location of the camera is affecting things. Stupid, I know. My trick was to move the speed panel. I put it above the right crane, on the right side, facing the bottom-right. Basically, when you bounce back from the ring using the directional bounce panel, it will barely hit the speed panel, giving just enough Oomph to jump over the last bit of water, prior to hitting the very last dir. panel into the flag
    Posted by Bahaumaut on 04 Nov 18 at 19:07
    Dragonborn GearI just deleted the speed panel and got it first try after 50 attempts. There is literally zero need for it anyways...
    Posted by Dragonborn Gear on 01 Dec 18 at 15:19
    Aki2403I'm not even going to pretend to be surprised. The physics in this game seems to have a random element to it at times. Simply put, I needed it there for the solution to work. Without it there the ball simply stopped on the black rough patch before the last arrow
    Posted by Aki2403 on 01 Dec 18 at 22:29
    Dragonborn GearWell-put. Thanks for the helpful videos.
    Posted by Dragonborn Gear on 02 Dec 18 at 04:19
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