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Sure Footed As A Goat achievement in Slain: Back from Hell

Sure Footed As A Goat

Reached the top of the Blood Tower without falling in any gore pits.

Sure Footed As A Goat0

How to unlock the Sure Footed As A Goat achievement

  • MudRaVeNMudRaVeN
    22 Oct 2016 23 Oct 2016
    Pretty self explanatory achievement, so here are a few tips. First of all, if you do fall into any of the red pits, pause the game and restart the section. A lot of the platforming over these pits is made more difficult because of the fire blasting statues. Take your time and hit the fireballs back until you are too close to the statues to hit them back easily. When you're close, jump the last fireball and tap and hold X in the air so you'll be ready to charge up and release your special attack on the gargoyle once your blade flashes. Progress slowly/ carefully and dispatch every enemy along the way to avoid any surprise attacks that knock you into a pit. Once you reach the top, you will fight your very first Fire Hound. The achievement will pop here or after you successfully get past him and into the room where you will have to kill two Fire Hounds as a sub-boss fight.
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    Icarusael:( I just did it first try, didn't fell in any blood pool and I finished the level, the achievement never popped...
    Posted by Icarusael on 27 Dec 16 at 16:26
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