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Flame Retardant achievement in Slain: Back from Hell

Flame Retardant

Complete Highlands level without killing an enemy with the flame blade.

Flame Retardant0

How to unlock the Flame Retardant achievement

  • vSullyvSully
    13 Nov 2018 13 Nov 2018 14 Nov 2018
    You are given the flame blade at the start of the Highlands level. You can toggle back to the basic sword with the right stick.

    The game has a hub area that allows you to replay levels.
    External image

    NOTE: This hub is only accessible until you enter the Old City level.

    I went back and got this achievement after having played through the Highlands level once where I had used the flame blade. I imagine that it might be easier once you get the frost axe, but I was impatient so I did it with the basic sword.

    You need to play through the first two areas of the Highlands level and once you reach the tower (after the Banshee scene), the achievement unlocks. I took the backdoor shortcut through the cave so that's acceptable.
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    xMANNY FRE5HxThanks for noting the limited accessibility.
    Posted by xMANNY FRE5Hx on 20 Nov 18 at 16:43
    aenima122I ran through twice without having it pop. I read on a Steam forum about not hitting back the fireballs from the gargoyle as that could be considered as a fire attack. Ran through a 3rd time, did not hit any fireballs back, and finally popped.
    Posted by aenima122 on 18 Oct 20 at 20:32
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