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Sticks and Stones, and Fists achievement in Jump Stars

Sticks and Stones, and Fists

Punched 1,000 times overall in the game

Sticks and Stones, and Fists0

How to unlock the Sticks and Stones, and Fists achievement

  • ACBL80ACBL80
    24 Apr 2018 24 Apr 2018 24 Apr 2018
    I noticed that what you do on looby (where you select number of players) counts to the achievement. So you can stay there punching lots of time to get the achievement. BUT... punch only counts if hit other player. I needed 2 controllers to keep punching second player against the wall. If you have a turbo controller,will be much more easy, just keep cn_RT preesed for a while (about 3 minutes). To bank the counter, just start playing a game.
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