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We're the Real Team Four Star! achievement in Jump Stars

We're the Real Team Four Star!

Completed Tournament (inlcuding Gauntlet) with 4 players

We're the Real Team Four Star!0

How to unlock the We're the Real Team Four Star! achievement

  • BahaumautBahaumaut
    01 Jun 2018 01 Jun 2018
    This achievement, and the related Complete Tournament with "X" players, has you playing through a set of four randomly-selected challenges. You must also play through the final Gauntlet challenge, which is only unlocked when a total of 6,000 team points have been earned through a combination of the four challenges/stages. Note that, despite some of the in-game text, you do not need to meet a minimum of 1,500 points in every round. Just a combined 6,000 after four rounds will allow you into the Gauntlet, and thus earn the achievement at the end of the game.

    This achievement requires 4 controllers, though the use of some peripherals may or may not be supported. If you have a Windows 10 computer, you can also use Game Streaming with any accepted controller (even a 360 one) as one of the users. There is also no online capability in the game; this must all be done locally, including getting the 6K team points to unlock the Gauntlet after the fourth round. If you do not have anybody to physically work with, your task will be harder, but not impossible.

    The problems encountered playing solo with four controllers are as follows:
    1) Trouble handling more than one or two characters, including the need to jump
    2) Team Score panels may light up for a controller you are not controlling
    3) Certain challenges may be horrible for getting a decent amount of team score, if any at all
    4) Said challenges are selected completely at random
    5) Temporary 'Power Ups' during the stage may mess you up, such as Reverse Control or Slow Down

    #3 combined with #4 will be your biggest issue, making this achievement almost luck-based. Some levels, without a partner, are just awful to try and earn points on. The Rising/Falling stages in particular, which require you to break through panels, require a lot of coordination that a single player may not be able to handle. Others finish too quickly, such as the Hunger stages.

    However, the good news is that when a character dies, all team score panels with their color immediately clear, changing to only living players. Additionally, certain levels are better situated and/or allow you to last longer. Dynamite has a set time, but with four or three people, you can pass it along to a 'dummy' character and work on scoring points with the others. Disappearing Ledges keep those team score ledges always in place, so you can last a lot longer if you're careful. Crushing Pillars gets pretty fast, but if you move in tandem and watch carefully, you can clear a lot of points and keep surviving for a few minutes.

    I personally got about 9K on a single Crushing Pillars stage, moving back and forth carefully and grabbing panels where I could until a Slow Down got me nailed. As you don't have to jump in this game type, it is easier to handle two controllers and move them in the same direction at the same time.
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