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Terrable Terrable Damage achievement in Overwatch 2

Terrable Terrable Damage

Kill 3 enemies with a single use of Orisa's Terra Surge in Quick or Competitive Play.

Terrable Terrable Damage0
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How to unlock the Terrable Terrable Damage achievement

  • TranierxTranierx
    28 Mar 2017 21 Mar 2017 09 Oct 2022
    26 3 4
    Overwatch 2 Solution
    What does Terra Surge do?
    Terra Surge is bound to Orisa's Ability 3 which is cn_Y by default.
    Terra Surge will give Orisa all of Fortify's buffs* and will pull all enemies towards her. It will charge for up to 4 seconds, damaging and slowing any enemies in her aura. Once she slams her javelin, she will deal damage depending on how long you held Terra Surge.

    *Fortify's buffs are
    • 125 Overhealth
    • 40% Damage Reduction
    • Immunity to headshots
    • -50% Heat Generation (not relevant when using Terra Surge)
    How do I unlock Terrable Terrable Damage?
    While you can unlock this is Role Queue, doing it in Open Queue is much easier as long as you have another tank you can combo your ultimate with.

    What ultimate combos are good?
    Zarya's Graviton Surge
    Graviton Surge groups up enemy teams into a single point where you can unleash Terra Surge.

    Reinhardt's Earthshatter
    This stuns all enemies affected in a relatively big area. This means that you will most likely be able to pull in all of the stunned enemies and kill them.

    Mei's Blizzard
    Freezes everyone in Blizzard's large radius and paired with an Mei's Ice Wall and primary fire, can capture a lot of enemies.

    Here's a video of me getting 3 kills on PC

    How do I boost this achievement?
    The Lockdown Method
    This is the most common method to boost Overwatch that requires 10 people.
    1. Get a group of 10 people.
    2. Get into two groups of 5
    3. Disable cross play
    4. Queue for Quick Play Open Queue at the same time and hope it matches you guys up
    5. Once you match up, build up your ultimate and have 3 of the enemy team stand near you and die
    Remember to keep the objective contested unless it's a Control map which will not need contesting unless someone captured it.

    Guide not helping? View 4 more guides for this achievement.

    Showing most recent comments. View all comments.
    FxH FinalJust to clarify, assists do not count. You need to get 3 killing blows. You can either kill them while charging the skill (you deal a small damage when you activate it) or when releasing. You will get the achievement if you get at least 3 killing blows with symbol of your ultimate. Keep in mind that a fully charged ultimate is killing 1 shot everyone, but it's hard to keep the enemies in range for the whole time. Look for a moment in which the enemies are all packed up and possibly not at full health. Playing with Mei can help a lot, just wait for her ultimate to freeze them all, but keep in mind that your teamates can steal your kills.
    Posted by FxH Final on 28 Nov 22 at 08:59
    speardropsClip of me getting it in 2023:
    Posted by speardrops on 19 Apr 23 at 02:12
    ItsHaystacksI got this one today with only 2 killing blows, and the 3rd was within a second or two of me doing the final strike of the ult. It was in open queue if this matters, and as far as I know nobody else damaged the person I killed except me. It's not much, but it's possibly a small bit of hope for people trying to do this legitimately like me
    Posted by ItsHaystacks on 28 Oct 23 at 18:31
  • Have you got any tips or tricks to unlock this achievement?
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  • Afr Geo BlazeAfr Geo Blaze
    03 Dec 2018 03 Dec 2018 05 Dec 2018
    14 0 3
    Update :

    A new Hero recently arrived can make the achievement easier : Ashe.

    If you're paired with a character that can deal a lot of damage nearby (Bastion recommanded), you can obtain this achievement by halting his Bob ultimate and wiping him out quickly. As he have large pool of pv (1200) and not moving after his first charge, he's easy enough to focus and kill behind your barrier.

    Do remember also that your owns damages count for the achievement, so fire at him too to kill him faster enough to get him considered still under halt effect (you have about 4 or 5 second after the end of the ability).

    Enjoy :-)
    Showing all 3 comments.
    BizzK18This is exactly how I got the achievement, I halted BOB and had just thrown down the bongo, so we melted him away and the achievement popped! I was elated, I had no clue that BOB could help out so much!
    Posted by BizzK18 on 13 Dec 18 at 16:04
    ShadowEchelon91Best solution here. Really easy to control if you use BOB. Dropped bongi, halted BOB, achievement unlocked.
    Posted by ShadowEchelon91 on 23 Jun 19 at 19:03
    speardropsClip of me getting it in 2023, this is on Xbox One X:
    Posted by speardrops on 19 Apr 23 at 02:14
  • Meltdown HeroMeltdown Hero
    31 May 2018 31 May 2018 31 May 2018
    10 0 1
    Halt State is possible to do with one target,

    This requires three people with one of the three leaving group as the game is found. The heros needed are Winston for the one leaving the group and Orisa and McCree for those who stay as a group. Once everyone has there ults meet up and follow the source video. The key with this achievement is timing, McCree must fire his deadeye while Orisa's halt is tethered to the Winston.

    Original source:

    My group confirming that this method works:
    Sorry, this Game Clip has been removed
    Showing only comment.
    speardropsClip of me getting it in 2023 (original above got removed unfortunately):
    Posted by speardrops on 19 Apr 23 at 02:13
There are 2 other guides for this achievement
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