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BREAK A LEG achievement in Constructor


Cause a foreman to retire . . . permanently

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How to unlock the BREAK A LEG achievement

  • WebDevil 666WebDevil 666
    28 May 2017 28 May 2017 27 Sep 2017
    The objective here is to kill an enemy foreman. After about 20 minutes or so of playing any map, the AI will start sending foremen into your estates to try and capture your properties.

    You can tell when this is happening due to a flashing icon appearing in the bottom left corner of the screen that looks as though it has hazard tape on it.

    Your best bet it to click the icon to take you to the scene of the crime. It will take a bit of micro management, but you will need to locate your nearest work crew and move them into the garden. Select individual builders with cn_A and target the enemy foreman. The icon changes to four flashing arrows. Press cn_X to get your selected builder to attack the foreman.

    It's important to note a couple of things. Firstly, DO NOT try and use your own formant to attack. He won't, but selecting him and trying to get him to attack will stop any builder currently fighting with the foreman to stop what he's doing.
    Secondly, the enemy foreman will try to escape as soon as your builders start attacking, so try and stack them up on him quickly. It may take a couple of attempts before the foreman is killed.
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    OliverioNot true, your own foremen are more than capable to get an enemy one down. I started an easy game against one computer opponent, after having build a couple of houses I sent both my foremen to attack a selected enemy and ... there it was, they ganged up on him and killed him.
    Posted by Oliverio on 29 Nov 20 at 23:18
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