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Fifteen Secrets achievement in Star Balls

Fifteen Secrets

Find all 15 Hidden Level-Unlock Keys

Fifteen Secrets0

How to unlock the Fifteen Secrets achievement

    01 Jun 2017 06 Jun 2017
    11 1 9
    The secrets will tell you which bonus level they unlock and luckily appear in the game in order.

    Lev 7: Bonus 1
    Lev 9: Bonus 2
    Lev 13: Bonus 3
    Lev 16: Bonus 4
    Lev 18: Bonus 5
    Lev 20: Bonus 6
    Lev 22: Bonus 7
    Lev 24: Bonus 8
    Lev 25: Bonus 9
    Lev 26: Bonus 10
    Lev 29: Bonus 11
    Lev 31: Bonus 12
    Lev 32: Bonus 13
    Lev 33: Bonus 14
    Lev 34: Bonus 15
    Showing all 9 comments. Leave a comment.
    AnxsighetyIf you get the glitch where you lose all progress, it actually helps. It doesn't reset your keys, so collecting the first couple in the game depending on how many you missed absolutely works. Only had to replay back to level 18.
    Posted by Anxsighety on 17 Jun 17 at 07:10
    EvcI lost all my progress, I had every upgrade purchased now I am back to nothing. I was able to get it without having to get to level 34, awesome!
    Posted by Evc on 22 Jun 17 at 16:50
    Av3ng3d7X x360ado u have to finish the hole for it to count.
    Posted by Av3ng3d7X x360a on 20 Aug 17 at 18:28
    WOODY2211So, I'm not getting this to pop at all. Ive just played through every level with a key again and got them all over again and its still not popped. Its stuck on 80%
    Posted by WOODY2211 on 02 Mar 18 at 18:00
    Wwren417I think I might know the problem. When I finished all the levels, I didn't collect all the keys yet, but for some reason it allowed me to do all the bonus missions. Thinking, why not, I did them without having all the keys yet. I got the one for completing all the bonus levels but my tracker is stuck on 70% just for the finding 10 keys. I'm going to attempt to delete my save, try getting the keys before the bonus levels and see what happens.
    Posted by Wwren417 on 22 Mar 18 at 05:19
    KillersquirelzI had this completely bugged for me even with the suggestions aboved. I did all the keys before touching the bonus missions and I was still only at 93%. I went through and got all the keys again and still nothing, then I did the bonus missions and then went through and got the keys again, still nothing.

    I fixed my problem by doing the other achievements first, including the 500 hours one. Then I deleted my save on my console (I chose console only when prompted). When I loaded the game up I stopped the synch, then I played through the first 7 levels, picked up the first bonus key that you can get, and it unlocked.
    Posted by Killersquirelz on 11 Aug 18 at 01:18
    A 0 E MonkeyJust to add to the guide Shizblacka wrote, he did the tricky bit identifying what levels they're on. However, just in case it's useful, here is where each key is:

    Firstly, I recommend grinding out level 7 a little, get your hole in ones and enough gold to buy the level 3 jump, level 3 hotshot and level 3 brake. With these 3, the game and collectibles are a doddle.

    Also, change the controls so Right Stick aims and left stick is speed, much easier to control and also to grind out hole in ones as you won't make a mistake

    The "keys" look like red floating trophies, easy to spot. None are really hidden and only one or two require a few goes to nail a jump. Very very easy, this is not like marble blast ultra eggs.

    These are just my methods, there may be easier tricks for some of them, but none are hard anyway. Perhaps people can post their tricks below if they find an easier way.

    Level 7: Bonus 1
    When going straight forward, there is a red garage door to open. Immediately through this door on the right is the first bonus level unlock

    Level 9: Bonus 2
    Can't miss it, two platforms up, take a left diagonal jump towards it. Upgrade your jump powerup to make this

    Level 13: Bonus 3
    Out in the open, on a platform down and to the right from where you start

    Level 16: Bonus 4
    On the platform to the left of the goal. Again jumping and braking powerups help wonders

    Level 18: Bonus 5
    Right next to the goal, I aimed right at the goal and got a hole in one and the bonus level

    Level 20: Bonus 6
    Right before the goal, use a jump to hop over the speed mats right to it

    Level 22: Bonus 7
    Behind the goal, the speed mats will take you into it if you follow them round

    Level 24: Bonus 8
    Speed straight at it from the start with the mega jump

    Level 25: Bonus 9
    If you go around the back of the goal you'll see a red switch, this will open up a garage door next to you where the key hides

    Level 26: Bonus 10
    I found the easiest way was to full speed just marginally to the left of it from the start and you'll land behind it, then megajump to it from the lower platform

    Level 29: Bonus 11
    You need the turbo powerup. Head to the left at the start, then ramp off the end with the increased power to catch it in the air

    Level 31: Bonus 12
    Much easier than the last one, just turn around at the start and aim slightly left of the key, full [normal strength] power. You'll end up near the goal to boot

    Level 32: Bonus 13
    Hardest one yet, unless I'm missing something. Equip turbo, then, looking at the platform just slightly to the left at the start, aim just marginally to the right of the centre line, with around 2 yellow bars of speed. Will take some trial and error. Zooming in helps with accuracy (RT). Watch out for the robot, but he shouldn't cause many issues

    Level 33: Bonus 14
    Head to the middle platform, then up the concrete slope. Instead of heading left for the goal, head right, jump across a platform and it's hiding behind a collapsed pillar

    Level 34: Bonus 15
    Just to the right of the goal, on the same platform
    Posted by A 0 E Monkey on 25 Sep 19 at 00:19
    iMaginaryy^ OP should probably copy/paste the above into a spoiler at the end of the solution or something, just for completeness :)
    Posted by iMaginaryy on 20 Oct 19 at 20:17
    Adm1ral Awe5omeI can also confirm that deleting your save data for the game and reacquiring the keys will work if your tracker stops moving because you did all the bonus levels before getting the keys.
    My tracker was stuck on 46% (which is 7 keys) and when I deleted my save and started getting the keys it kept tracking from that point so I only had to play up until level 24 and get 8 keys to unlock the achievement.
    Posted by Adm1ral Awe5ome on 26 Apr 22 at 20:19
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