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Juiced achievement in Star Balls


Acquire a Level-2 Plugin


How to unlock the Juiced achievement

  • K4rn4geK4rn4ge
    27 May 2017 30 May 2017 30 May 2017
    I have provided a video for my method to quickly and easily earn various achievements in the game but also make sure to read on to learn how you can optimize your achievement progression.

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    You can very easily get a hole in one EVERY time on Level 7. You don't even need any powerups on either but you will want to probably equip the Multiplier plugin which is efficient toward other achievements which I go into detail about later. Once in the level, press A to start. Now all you have to do is hold down all the way on the left stick cn_LSd and when it is at maximum power, press cn_RB to shoot the ball. The ball is already lined up for a hole in one as long as you adjust the power so make sure not to move the left stick left or right AT ALL. This will help you work toward many different achievements & progress in general since you are getting quick/easy hole in ones, a gold medal, score/points and coins to buy powerups.

    Speaking of powerups, the one you want to save up for and buy as soon as possible is the Multiplier plugin since it doubles your points in a level. From the main menu, go to Power Up. Press cn_RB to get to the 4th tab and purchase Multiplier 1 for 100 coins. Then click it again to buy Multiplier 2 for 200 coins and finally Multiplier 3 for 300 coins. Once you did that, don't forget to equip it by pressing cn_LT on the shop page and then press either cn_A or cn_B to bind the Multiplier plugin to the slot of your choice.

    Enjoy a bunch of quick and easy achievements and gamerscore! Happy hunting!
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