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Enjoying It achievement in Star Balls

Enjoying It

Spend 5 hours in levels

Enjoying It0

How to unlock the Enjoying It achievement

  • iiTs HawkiiTs Hawk
    04 Jun 2017 05 Jun 2017
    First things first. Make sure you set your xbox so that it doesn't turn off after a certain amount of time.

    Settings - All Settings - Power & Startup - Click Power Mode & Startup
    Top Left, 1st Option "Turn off After" Set it to Don't turn off automatically

    Secondly, make sure you plug your controller into the xbox via a play n charge cable, otherwise your controller will time out and may or may not screw up the process.

    Now all you have to do is either play the game naturally which i dont really see anyone playing this game in-game for 500 hours. So enter a level, and move your ball at least once. if u dont move your ball at least once the timer doesn't actually start. At least it didn't for me when the game first came out so i would do it just to be safe. Then go do something else and let it sit. Once you come back to the game MAKE SURE YOU FINISH THE HOLE. If you dont finish the hole it doesn't track the time u spent in the level.

    I did the 5, 10 & 24hrs achievements so far. I won't make a solution for each one tho but u can use this method to farm the hours all the way to 500 hrs. It will take just under 21 days of farming this.

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