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Central Asia city captured achievement in Air Missions: HIND

Central Asia city captured

Capture the city in central Asia (Campaign mode)

Central Asia city captured0

How to unlock the Central Asia city captured achievement

  • FullMoonBeaverFullMoonBeaver
    11 Jun 2017 11 Jun 2017
    This will come early on and the mission is split into 3 waves. You will have air support to help.

    First wave is artillery and is way to deal with even though there is quite a few.

    Second wave is 4 tanks that will need to be dealt with quickly as your ground troops will die quickly. Use your AT-2 rockets and these will be destroyed quick.

    Third wave is more tanks, but they are off in the distance and can be destroyed with your AT-2 rockets again. Once this wave is completed, you will unlock your achievement.
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    IronFistofSnuffThis achievement does not unlock in coop. I don't think any campaign related achievements will.
    Posted by IronFistofSnuff on 22 Jun 17 at 03:26
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