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Campaign completed achievement in Air Missions: HIND

Campaign completed

Complete all Campaign missions

Campaign completed0

How to unlock the Campaign completed achievement

  • FullMoonBeaverFullMoonBeaver
    Locked 11 Jun 2017 11 Jun 2017
    The following are all the missions relevant to this achievement.

    Target Artillery
    Supply Convoy
    Training - Mclos Missiles
    Capturing City
    Attack Airbase
    Destroy Communications
    Training - Saclos Missiles
    Lurking in the Trees
    Attack Enemy Squadron
    Evacuation 2
    Jungle Air Support
    Night Silent Attack
    Pilots Down
    Tanker Attack
    Capture Oil Platform
    Submarine in Trouble

    Night Silent Attack mission help.
    The tricky one. First you need to infiltrate the base by not raising your altitude above 60m. You have 2 allies that fly much faster than you, so at the next checkpoint you will have to be quick.

    You need to destroy the helicopters before take off. You will be much further behind than your allies, so increase you altitude by enough to see the targets in the distance. Press cn_A twice to zoom right in and unleash your tickets on each helicopter. One should be enough for each. The next objective sees the whole airbase on full alert. You will be under heavy fire including tickets, so use your flares when needed.

    Capture Oil Platform mission help
    This is a highly irritating mission, that's split into 2 oil platforms that you need to capture. The 2nd being the reason for the difficulty being high. Your door is jammed forcing our to use your high caliber weapons. One shot can destroy the oil tankers thus failing your mission.

    I found the following to be easier. Hold down your cn_RB button to manually aim with the white crossbar and use the cn_LT to shoot. Kill all the troops that are marked. I would zoom in with the cn_A button twice and click the cn_LS to get the best viewpoint. It's hard due to the oil tanks being in the way of things, but patience and perseverance are vital to completing this half of the mission. In my opinion, this is the most difficult mission of the campaign.
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    Vito084Can this game all be done in coop?
    Posted by Vito084 on 23 Jun 17 at 21:19
    Sol76Also a big help , the rotating gun attachment under the wings Instead of Rockets or missiles , that way you can accurately shoot in the middel of the green reticule without having to aim manually. There seems to be no time limit so take your time. Keep hovering and adjust your altitude. Try to keep as still as possible , do not worry about the soldiers shooting at you , they will never doen a real threat. And always do the easy ones first because at the end , a couple of difficult soldiers just disappeared. After the first platform you have a checkpoint so you never lose much progress if you shoot the tanks.
    Posted by Sol76 on 07 May 18 at 11:32
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