6 1 6Actions This achievement can be boosted in a private match with a friend. Just remember to set the match to adjust the kill limit as the default is set to 5 kills.Showing all 6 comments. Leave a comment. Are they not cummulative ? As I understand they have to be done in 1 match?Posted by Sol76 on 14 Jun 17 at 15:31 I got all 10 kills in a single game, so I wouldn't be able to confirm one way or the other. But it's actually very easy to get 10 kills in a match. Not like there's anywhere to hide.Posted by FullMoonBeaver on 14 Jun 17 at 15:47 I got it in my second match so it was cumulative for me.Posted by TALLCHAPO on 15 Jun 17 at 20:35 If there is help needed because the online part is pretty dead, please give me a message here or on XBL.Posted by Sol76 on 06 May 18 at 17:36 Shoot Penguin McCool a message on XBL if you wanna boost this and the other co-op achievementPosted by Penguin McCool on 01 Sep 22 at 20:58 I'll still help too. Just let me or Penguin know.Posted by FullMoonBeaver on 02 Sep 22 at 04:49 Leave a comment