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Participation Medal achievement in The Golf Club 2

Participation Medal

Compete in, and view the results of a Society Event against at least four other members.

Participation Medal0

How to unlock the Participation Medal achievement

  • Darth6unnerDarth6unner
    28 Jun 2017 04 Jul 2017
    This one is still touchy as the Society Tournaments do not always end and allow you to VIEW RESULTS instead of leaderboard.

    Idea is simple - join a society - there are many, but if you need one DOWN N DIRTY has a good group of fellows to play with / against and the president puts up new tournaments every day.

    Now play a Society Tournament all the way through.
    The tricky part is after the tournament ends some are staying at status ENDS SOON.
    This is a bug, and until it goes away you can only view leaderboard, not results. You have to view the results to get it to pop.
    Showing most recent comments. View all comments.
    NitrousSpeedDarth6unner - Thanks. Hope he doesn't change the price up again. So what do I have to do once I get the 500 and join this society to get this ach? Cause my work schedule gets In the way and I don't always have the time to play thru 3-4 Rounds to wait & see the results and hope it pops if that's what I have to do according to the description of this one. Sorry for long message but HB Studios took a a step up this year.
    Posted by NitrousSpeed on 13 Jul 17 at 04:47
    Darth6unnerOnce you join a society - any one - does not have to be DND - just needs to have at least 4 people that play the tourney(s). That is why I mentioned DND in solution, we almost always have 6-15 players finish a tournament. Again, there are a LOT of free societies out there, but I cannot say what any given ones level of participation is outside of the one I joined. And the cheevo description says 4 players, so I was being safe.

    Play a club tourney. There are variables. Some clubs set up longer ones that last 2-4 days, some will set up a new one rounder every day. It has looked like the number of rounds ties to the days it is open - 1 round 1 day, 4 rounds 4 days. I do not guarantee that they will always equate - it often seems as though things are still unstable on the HB servers.
    But so far, every one I have ever played in has closed eventually. Some almost on time, some not for days after it should have ended. Frequently the next one starts before the HB servers close out the current / previous one.
    Even a one rounder will take up to a day to close. It is okay if you do not have a tonne of time to play, the results stay in the season schedule on the club season, so you can view the results the next time you get a chance to play.
    Posted by Darth6unner on 13 Jul 17 at 06:33
    NitrousSpeedDarth6runner - So do I need to play every round he sets up or just 1 round wait for it to end (whatever day that is) and view the results to get this achievement right? If so sounds easy. I will do a few rounds to get the entry fee. Least the Team Player one is easier to get it seems
    Posted by NitrousSpeed on 13 Jul 17 at 10:53
    planting42RealGamerscore society has an active tourney and is free to join. Its set to end in about a week's time. If we need to add more players to the leaderboard I'll toss alts on as needed. A note though, this is a 5 player required achievement - not 4.

    Simply join and play your round and remember to check back in once the tourney has ended.
    Posted by planting42 on 17 May 19 at 22:05
    BLOOdREDkN7GHTlooking for an active society, looks like the ones mentioned above have died off
    Posted by BLOOdREDkN7GHT on 30 Aug 19 at 21:51
    meanmachine832Hey guys, I don't mind setting this up if we get enough people add me: meanmachine832
    Posted by meanmachine832 on 17 Jan 20 at 14:10
    cheesy040472Currently an event active in Mad Hatters society from Feb 23 to Feb 29, hope to see some other players join for the achievement
    Posted by cheesy040472 on 24 Feb 20 at 18:02
    Fonejacker3200Anybody still have an active society to join looking to get this out the way
    Posted by Fonejacker3200 on 26 Jul 20 at 10:57
    Matt050122I also need this achievement, I’ve set up an Online Society called “Achievement Society”, free to join and no restrictions. It’s only myself that’s a member at the moment so still need at least four more players.
    Posted by Matt050122 on 16 Jun 22 at 19:25
    Agent0fSlythrynLooking to get this done before the server closure, hit me up.
    Posted by Agent0fSlythryn on 02 Jan at 19:22
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