6 1 4Actions Remember you need to use 3 choices:"your mother" + "is" + "your father"I kept forgetting this.And you can use the choice (...) to continue the insult.It's random but will happen before you get the 100 games :)Showing all 4 comments. Leave a comment. Has anyone had a problem with this achievement glitching? I have completed this sentence three times, and it still won't pop.Posted by HyacinthHouse71 on 25 Jan 18 at 01:46 Yes i just did this and it didn't popPosted by ShreddedMasques on 31 May 18 at 21:11 Correction, it popped after I finished the gamePosted by ShreddedMasques on 31 May 18 at 21:13 Mine is not popping either i just the insult.Posted by OMGItsBurke on 12 Feb 23 at 10:14 Leave a comment