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Score 150,000 points achievement in ACA NEOGEO BURNING FIGHT

Score 150,000 points

The score won 150,000 points.

Score 150,000 points0

How to unlock the Score 150,000 points achievement

  • SnipedByAGir1SnipedByAGir1
    03 Nov 2017 03 Nov 2017 03 Nov 2017
    Using this setup you will be able to get:

    ACA NEOGEO BURNING FIGHTScore 50,000 pointsThe Score 50,000 points achievement in ACA NEOGEO BURNING FIGHT worth 85 pointsThe score won 50,000 points.

    ACA NEOGEO BURNING FIGHTScore 100,000 pointsThe Score 100,000 points achievement in ACA NEOGEO BURNING FIGHT worth 87 pointsThe score won 100,000 points.

    ACA NEOGEO BURNING FIGHTScore 150,000 pointsThe Score 150,000 points achievement in ACA NEOGEO BURNING FIGHT worth 88 pointsThe score won 150,000 points.

    ACA NEOGEO BURNING FIGHTRecord scoreThe Record score achievement in ACA NEOGEO BURNING FIGHT worth 84 pointsThe score has been posted to the online rankings.

    To reach 150,000 points I had to play through to the first part of level 4. Thankfully the game is pretty short. Didn't take super long. To make this super easy go into your option menu and change some of the game settings.

    So once you select English Version ORIGINAL MODE (or Japanese) ... your preference, go into options by selecting cn_back then go to Game Settings. Make these selections:

    Number of Players: 99
    Continue: No Limit (but doesn't matter, you have 99 lives and if you continue you lose your points)
    Bonus: EVERY
    Bonus Rate: 20000/90000
    Difficulty: Easy

    Press cn_B to return to the previous menu and select Return to game to restart the game with your new settings.

    Now just play through the game. I pretty much just punched everything with cn_X. Apparently you can get more points with jump kicks, but I just mashed cn_X. You have 99 lives so you should easily get through to the end of the game even with a ton of deaths. I suck at this so it took me 28 lives to get to 150,000 points. I was dying all the time. You could even set your lives to 50 or something if you prefer. Once you get your 150,000 points you can just stand there and get beaten until all of your lives are used up. Don't continue and you'll be able to Record your score for that achievement as well.

    Enjoy another crappy ACA game wink

    Guide not helping? View 1 more guide for this achievement.

    Showing most recent comments. View all comments.
    LifeExpectancyIf you use the jumping roundhouse with cn_RT on stronger enemies and jump kicks, etc you can hit 150k early in stage 3 easily. So its best to set lives at 20 (30 max) and do this then let enemies polish off the remaining lives. Much faster than playing all the way to the end mashing X and setting lives so high that the waiting for deaths at the end takes forever.
    Posted by LifeExpectancy on 17 Oct 19 at 08:34
    Big EllDid you read what I said???? Just beat the game! Way quicker and more fun than letting yourself die. Games are meant to be played!
    Posted by Big Ell on 17 Oct 19 at 11:39
    RG EscalanteThanks for the guide. Thanks for the comments.

    I know I'm late to the party but I was able to beat all 5 stages with 29 men. A couple of jump kicks, a lot of spamming the 'X' button. Using the right trigger on bosses. I finished the game with almost 300,000 points.
    Posted by RG Escalante on 11 Mar 21 at 17:21
  • Have you got any tips or tricks to unlock this achievement?
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  • Agus EstrellaAgus Estrella
    21 Feb 2023 28 Feb 2023 28 Feb 2023
    This is my video guide in Spanish on how to get all the achievements, any questions let me know
    Embedded video starts in Original Mode
    more guides on my YouTube channel Agus Estrella
    Showing only comment.
    Uchiha D ZeroThnx for the help dude!
    Posted by Uchiha D Zero on 01 Mar 23 at 06:13
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