GENERAL TIPSCharacters Needed
Torb Zen McCree SolidierCharacter Positioning
Soldier-Little Platform to the right watching the right door
McCree- Top Left stairs
Zen & Torb Middle Right in front of the door
Torbs Turret- On the middle bridge on the left side little stone closest to door
Characters Roles/
PRIORITIESSoldier-He is crucial to your success. His #1 focus should be
RIPTIRES! His team mates should help him out but that's
HIS job! There are not many tires so his real main focus is the zombadiers. His ULT should not be used on bosses as it doesn't really do much damage to them instead he should pop his ULT when it starts to get hectic with a lot of AI'S or AI'S getting real close to the door, that being said if all immediate threats are neutralized and has ULT remaining use it to help out with the boss.
ZEN-Discorb priorities, riptire #1, #2 bosses, #3 zobadiers, if there are no bosses or tiers zombadiers are priority #1. You should focus on healing Mcree mostly then torb second as soildier can self heal. Aside from that focus on killing the Zomnic's getthing close if none close then far zombadiers then zomnics. As far as your ULT goes use when needed but I have to caution that in prior runs using her ULT with a lot of AI'S near the door resulted in a loss because she could not get out of her ult fast enough.
Torb-He should focus on keeping his turret healthy ass is helps out a lot with thw AI's and to help build his ULT FAST! He should use his ULT for the really hard bosses such as ROADHOG & SYMMETRA. That being said besides that he is going to be the main reaper killer and should stay in the middle with in front of the door alongside Zen. You should throw all the armor down as you can right in the middle where you and Zen are but don't forget to neglect Mcree and soldier and throw them each a couple by their spots so they wont have to run down to get them.
McCree Keep the left door controlled call for help as needed use ULT ONLY for Bosses, and destroy shield Generators.(More on that later)
Wave 1- Reaper | No need to ULT as a team kill the reaper.
Wave 2- x3 riptires
Wave 3- Roadhog, x1riptire |Torb should ULT the monster then McCree should to finish him off.
Wave 4- Junkrat, x1 riptire |McCree Should ULT if he doesn't die kill as team.
Wave 5- x2 reaper, x1 riptire |As a team kill the first reaper soldier can use his ULT on second one to help kill faster.
Wave 6- summoner, x3 riptires, x1 shield gen |At the start of this wave McCree should be standing where the reaper first appears before he teleports, destroy the shield gen then jump off and run down the bridge to the door Torb and Mcree can combo ULT the summoner.
Wave 7- x2 Roadhog |McCree should ULT the first one as a team kill him, soldier should ULT as needed to kill anything getting closeto the door (should happen around half way threw the round) and help on the monster if possible. Torb should use his ULT on the second Monster. (McCree needs to get his ULT for wave 8).
Wave 8- Mercy, Roadhog, Junkrat |Zen needs to orb mercy, Mcree then ULT'S her and should kill her, soldier should use his to kill the zombadiers and torb should ULT the monster.
Wave 9- x3 Reaper, x1 riptire | If soldiers gets ULT use on bots because it gets hectic as a team kill the first reaper, torb ULT the second one and Mcree the third.
Wave 10- x2 summoners, x2 shield gens, x3 riptires |McCree does the same thing as the first summoners round jumps down go to help at the door Torb should ULT the summoner as she gets to the bottom of the stairs soldiers should also pop ULT when he gets it as it gets hectic with AI'S around this time, when the second one appears and comes down Mcree goes up to get the shield gen then pop his ULT at the top by the gen.
Wave 11- x2 Roadhogs, x1 riptire |Torb should use his ULT on the first monster team shoot him till he dies McCree should use his ULT on the second one then quickly get his ULT back for wave 12 as it is crucial he has it at the start of the wave or within first 10 seconds
Wave 12- Mercy, Roadhog, Junkrat, x2 riptires | Zen needs to orb mercy so McCre can on shot kill her with his ULT, torb uses his ULT on the monster everyone help kill the monster and making sure no AI's hit the door getting to the end of the wave McCree should have built his ULT back to use on Dr Junkinstien.
Hope this helps took me a long time to write this, check out my run on youtube here:
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