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The Token Experience achievement in South Park: The Fractured but Whole

The Token Experience

Create a Black character and complete the game on Mastermind Difficulty

The Token Experience0

How to unlock the The Token Experience achievement

  • Project TortureProject Torture
    19 Oct 2017 20 Oct 2017 24 Apr 2018
    Edit - Due to the amount of people who mistakenly completed the game on Diabolical and did not get the achievement. I'm putting this before the guide as to hopefully prevent people from doing this. - DO NOT COMPLETE THE GAME ON DIABOLICAL - I repeat, DO N.O.T complete it on Diabolical. Do it on Mastermind as the achievement itself suggests. This game does not count lower difficulties like most games do.

    You must create a black skinned character from the beginning of the game. You CANNOT change this later and still get the achievement. There is a time early on in the game when you select your combat difficulty, this is the time to select Mastermind. Do not change it back until you have beaten the game and unlock the achievement.

    Some tips.
    - Don't be afraid to complete this game in one playthrough, you can change difficulty after end game.
    - Stock up on Moses summons, always have at least 2 with you. And revives!
    - After unlocking the ability to use moves from all classes, make use of the psychics ultimate healing ability, as well as the other minor healing ability. They are pretty much essential when dealing with the last few bosses. At that point, think of your main character as a healer, not a fighter.
    I AM CULLY pointed out that you can use your summon's 10x each during a play through.
    Showing most recent comments. View all comments.
    xBecksyI used the exact same tactic that 081chaz posted and also got the achievement, final fight, turned difficulty to casual at the start and back to mastermind on the final blow and still got the achievement, there is another fight with kyle and cartman after which I beat on mastermind and after all the cutscenes the achievement popped.

    Just got the achievement, and fighting your past self was literally impossible for me. I spent nearly 6 hours trying to fight him and everyone else. I actually ended up getting the achievement by switching combat difficulties as soon as the fight starts and as soon as the last enemy is defeated or the special objective is done, I quickly paused and switched the combat difficulty back to mastermind. After the past fight, I was able to progress through the rest of the game and got the achievement after waiting a few seconds after skipping the credits.
    Posted by Ø81chaz on 19 Apr 22 at 00:44
    Posted by xBecksy on 27 Oct 24 at 19:23
    geladinho1322Could someone help me? I started the game with the Character with a slightly lighter color and on hero difficulty, after 10 hours of play I changed his color to Black and in the menu I changed the difficulty to what the achievement requires. Can I still unlock the achievement? Or would I have to play the game from the beginning?
    Posted by geladinho1322 on 12 Nov 24 at 02:15
    HEFTI82883Geladinho1322, sorry to say you're going to have to start all over again, as you won't be able to get this achievement. You met neither of the requirements from the beginning. Black character, mastermind difficulty all the way through. The achievement tracker does work, although not sure when it updates. I was at 92% before and after the fight with the King then after the mitch conner fight and credits the achievement unlocked.
    Posted by HEFTI82883 on 14 Nov 24 at 19:03
    GiornoGkFor those who are having difficulties facing the protagonist's past version (the king), it's simple, get the skill "Sweet Scent" (I believe this is the name, I'm not sure because I'm playing in Portuguese) when using this in the first fight with the king (where it's just him) you skip the fight.

    And I recommend using this skill on Kyle during the fight with all of them in the past. (It helped me A LOT)

    (Sorry for the bad English, I'm using Google translate.)
    Posted by GiornoGk on 16 Nov 24 at 05:59
    zamacgod303This achievement blows
    Tracker stopped at 6%
    Statered a new play through stopped at 15
    3rd attempt now
    Posted by zamacgod303 on 28 Nov 24 at 18:04
    XiRe x HarveyWHEN DO YOU SELECT THE DIFFICULTY? It never asked me what difficulty I want to play on at the beginning of the game. I'm about half an hour in, I've not met the sixth graders. I just went in the menu and the game has automatically set the "combat challenge" to Heroic, but I've already done some battles, so now what? Do I have to restart? Why didn't they ask us right at the start when we made our character?

    Edit: I noticed that the tracker was progressing so I just carried on then changed the difficulty, when prompted, during the fight with the sixth graders, and I've just unlocked the achievement, no problem. I made sure to watch both of the ending credits just to be safe (you can speed up the second one by pushing the left stick down).

    Lastly, after unlocking this achievement I changed the difficulty to easy and went to get the achievement for fighting Morgan Freeman.
    Posted by XiRe x Harvey on 02 Dec 24 at 18:21
    TheFirstWonderI can confirm switching difficulty mid fight and change it back before finishing that fight don't void the achievement. I use this method to cheese through difficult battles. Thank to the commenter who first mentioned this. I hope it is put in the guide to help others who have trouble spending hours fighting the same battle.

    For achievement tracker to work properly, avoid using Quick Resume function on Xbox. Always close the game completely when stop playing. This is how I know I don't screw up achievement by checking that it continue to track and progresses properly.
    Posted by TheFirstWonder on 03 Dec 24 at 05:43

    I think that might be it I hope . Not quick resuming

    The only issue is I can't get the tracker to move past 15%
    In 1 solid playthrough.
    I know 15% is around the main street fight , that where I was was I noticed the tracker not moving any more
    Posted by zamacgod303 on 04 Dec 24 at 04:03
    VegovasStuck at 92% i beat the game how it says is it bugged ?
    Posted by Vegovas on 21 Jan at 04:57
    The Icy GreyTip for mutant cousin kyle fight - if kenny is dead and he is the only one in range of kyle he won't attack and just skip his turn - at least thats what happened for me! So i just slowly ranged him down and applied status effects.
    Posted by The Icy Grey on 05 Feb at 17:28
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