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UEF Campaign Complete: Easy achievement in Supreme Commander

UEF Campaign Complete: Easy

UEF Campaign Complete: Easy

UEF Campaign Complete: Easy0

How to unlock the UEF Campaign Complete: Easy achievement

  • Strategy OneStrategy One
    29 Jun 2012 30 Jun 2012
    UEF Campaign complete: Easy

    When you get to the final mission (because you can play through it on easy until the final one) just build alot of anti air around your base, and a lot of Tech 3 battleships and submarines. Build some anti-air around your naval bases or you naval army will get attacked by a lot of air. I build 2 Nuke Silo's as they will be very useful when the enemy Aeon base is discovered. I nuked the entire base and didn't have to use any units. As for your army, just constantly build tech 3 gunships. These are amazing, they will destroy any Naval army, ground army, even most air. If you keep Tech 3 engineers helping in making Tech 3 gunships you will have massive amounts. I had over 100 Gunships throughout the fight. Invincible and useful army.
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