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Cybran Campaign Complete: Normal achievement in Supreme Commander

Cybran Campaign Complete: Normal

Cybran Campaign Complete: Normal

Cybran Campaign Complete: Normal0

How to unlock the Cybran Campaign Complete: Normal achievement

  • Strategy OneStrategy One
    28 Jun 2012 29 Jun 2012
    Cybran Campaign Complete: Normal

    This is not too difficult, but it took me 2-3 hours for every mission(on hard). There is a total of 6 missions. Each one has 3 phases. Everytime you complete a mission the map expands.
    You should save every once and a while, I usually saved before finishing a mission, or even attack.


    My tactic as the Cybrans was to use the SEA as much as possible, when you get the TECH 2 battleships use them, they can also go on land and have a extreme range of fire. They can also attack air and will obliterate buildings. This will work until the 6th and final mission. On the final mission you must immediately build up your defense from your left sea, and build an army of air superiority aircrafts, this will be needed to destroy the Aeon flying saucer. You will also be attacked from the right side of your base naval, and the land below your. I recommend working on Tech 3 battleships (beautiful offense and extremely powerful) and immediately build the Flying Experimental bug. When I attacked the final base at the bottom of the island I used 10 flying bug and 4 artillery which destroyed over 50% of the base.
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