The Willow-pit (10)"The Willow-pit" completedThis level contains pitfalls and traps (left screen) with flames moving in a horizontal sequence and the typical hands of death (right screen). Because of the traps and moving flames you need to actually utilize both screens, much more than the previous levels, however you essentially are focusing on the right screen for the majority. When I say "Flame!" wait for the flame (right screen) to pass and then do the following command in one sequence to avoid it's return and stop at a safe position.
All direction commands are from the left screen's point of view.
UP (x1)
["FLAME!" (Wait for the first flame to pass by going right and near the right wall)
UP (x1), RIGHT (x3), UP (x2)]
UP (x2)
["FLAME!" (Wait for the first flame to pass by going right after hitting the left wall)
UP (x2), LEFT (x2), DOWN (x1), LEFT (x1), DOWN (x1) - Collects the Treasure item]
["FLAME!" (Wait for the first flame to pass by going left directly underneath you)
UP (x1), LEFT (x3), UP (x2)]
RIGHT (x3)
UP (x1) - End