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Bubble Chaos achievement in Fearful Symmetry & The Cursed Prince

Bubble Chaos

Complete the bonus level "Bubble Chaos".

Bubble Chaos0
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How to unlock the Bubble Chaos achievement

  • InjuryProne19InjuryProne19
    Locked 19 Dec 2017 21 Dec 2017
    18 0 0
    Bubble Chaos (20)
    Aided Hero in traversing "Bubble Chaos".

    This is the first of the Bonus Levels which is accessed from the main menu and unlocked after progressing through the main levels. The level consists of bubble-shooting plants (left screen) with a maze of hands of death (right screen). In order to reach the end you will need move quickly when in the line of fire from the plants. It is helpful to move slowly at first on the last sequence to create a gap between the bubbles so you are able to actually complete the rest of the sequence without much struggle.

    All direction commands are from the left screen's point of view.

    LEFT (x3)
    UP, RIGHT (x2), UP, RIGHT, DOWN, RIGHT, UP (x2)
    UP (x3), LEFT, DOWN, LEFT, DOWN, LEFT, UP (x3), RIGHT, UP (x2) - End

    Here is a video of it being done:

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