Eyes for detail (15)You found the alternative exit in "Jaws of Grass" (Secret)This level consists of a maze of traps (left screen) with a maze of hands of death (right screen). This solution will guide you to the alternate exit which is visible in the upper right of the left screen. In order to get there it is necessary to get your characters offset by using previously triggered traps to impede your left character while your right character proceeds. Move quickly when stepping past traps.
All direction commands are from the left screen's point of view.
RIGHT (x3), UP (x2), LEFT (x4), DOWN, LEFT (x2), UP (x7), RIGHT (x2)
LEFT (x2)
DOWN (x3)
DOWN (x4)
RIGHT (x2), UP
RIGHT (x3)
Now you will be in another level ("Out Of Time") which introduces you to your second character (Nulan). The level shows you her 'Special Skill' which clears away obstacles adjacent to your position by using flames. To complete this new level simply use your skill and go straight down to the end as Nulan is immune to traps. This will unlock the following achievement: