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Javelin Winner (High) achievement in Asterix at the Olympic Games

Javelin Winner (High)

Win the javelin event in Olympic Mode on High difficulty to unlock this achievement.

Javelin Winner (High)0

How to unlock the Javelin Winner (High) achievement

  • WeisGuy9WeisGuy9
    12 Jun 2012 20 Jan 2013
    Start by going to the Olympic Games and enter Olympic Mode. Select the Javelin event on High difficulty. Follow along through the tutorials until you get to the actual event.

    To run down the track, alternate pressing the "A" and "B" buttons as fast as you can. The more speed you can get, the better your throw will be. Before reaching the end of the track hold down the "LB" button and release it when it hits the green area of the gauge. Now use "LS" to steer your javelin as it flies. Guide the javelin through as many clouds as possible. The more clouds you can hit, the higher you score will be.
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