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Natural Disasters

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Natural Disasters

What the...? achievement in Cities: Skylines

What the...?

Experience a special disaster

What the...?0

How to unlock the What the...? achievement

  • xx Kenshira xxxx Kenshira xx
    16 May 2018 16 May 2018 24 Jun 2022
    I hope this helps anyone trying to figure it out, but this is an easter egg. and good luck on getting it.
    But.. what it is.. it's called a Chirpnado. it's a blue Tornado with lots of blue birds flying around it, it upgrades everything in its path. You are required to have " Use random disasters" enabled in your options. there is no evidence on the frequency effecting it, but i keep it maxed out. Now the issue with this special disaster is. that it has a 0.40% chance to show up on your map ( scenario or normal game play ). you're not required to start a new map. and it will spawn on any map type. and population doesn't matter. there has been reports of it as little as 5,000 population.
    the ending statement on this achievement. you could get it in 1 hour or 1000 hours. and there is very little information about this. as most pc players used the dev tools to hack the achievement.
    Good luck to those who are lucky enough to see this.
    (leaving game idle will NOT work.) ( You do need office buildings )

    **( simplifying the statement above. turn on random disaster and play the game, and it will eventually show up)**

    * Never idle the game, We've been able to figure it out, once the game screen fades from idling too long, it technically logs you out of the game. even tho it's running in the background. and there is a good chance you weren't there when the chirpnado popped on the screen, but because you were technically logged out, it registered you getting it, but at the same time you didn't get it. ( only seems to affect this one achievement, the only way to solve this issue, is to completely wipe your save/cloud and start over. once we figured out this issue, we got it to pop within 5-10 hours every time.* we've tested it several times with good results* also to note, NEVER quick resume the game. always close down the game after every session.

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    BlueyZealOne thing i should add. I got this trophy on PS5 remastered population 2400. Xbox was 5000. So can get it lower than 5000
    Posted by BlueyZeal on 11 Mar 23 at 19:17
    xx Kenshira xxdeleting saves as stated above, you wipe your cloud/everything, you loose everything.
    Posted by xx Kenshira xx on 12 Mar 23 at 01:28
    IndigoSolaceThis one just flat out sucks, not only do I hate completely random achievements that can take a very long time, but I almost always only get tsunamis.

    I've also done some investigating. I've seen other people on other sites report that the Chirpnado will only start occurring once your city has been hit by at least 200 disasters, including those that you manually spawn. I spammed manual forest fires (since those that aren't close to your buildings won't cause the speed to go to normal), and gave it some extra to 300 manually spawned forest fires. I'll report back if this has helped at all.

    EDIT: Got it on the Remastered version much more quickly. Just to add another data point, I had 170k population, year 2084 starting on 2024 with disasters enabled from the get-go. This is literally the last achievement I need for the X1 version lol
    Posted by IndigoSolace on 07 Aug 24 at 15:37
  • Have you got any tips or tricks to unlock this achievement?
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    12 Jan 2019 12 Jan 2019 03 May 2019
    This achievement unlocks by experiencing a special disaster in Cities: Skylines after downloading the Natural Disasters DLC. There is only one special disaster in the game; it's called a Chirpnado. It is essentially a blue tornado with blue birds (similar to the Chirper from the game) flying around it. I've provided a video of what a chirpnado looks like; credit should be given for the video to ATV9000 from Youtube.

    I wrote this guide to provide some facts and tips on the process of obtaining this achievement.

    Firstly, all disasters in the game can be summoned manually - except the special disaster. This means that the special disaster must occur on its own by playing the game normally over the course of time.

    Secondly, and to also repel some misinformation that's out there, disasters are completely random and occur completely randomly. (This obviously also includes the chirpnado/special disaster.) In other words, when and where the special disaster occurs is not set in stone. You do NOT have to continue progressing in years on your map for the special disaster to occur. You can simply load a map, let it run, quit once your city has been essentially destroyed by disasters and reload your map. The same disasters will NOT occur again. I can confirm this as this is how I unlocked the achievement. If, by chance, the same natural disaster does occur, it is probably just a coincidence.

    Thirdly, it should be stated that this achievement is a luck based achievement, and, therefore, can take anywhere from a few minutes (highly unlikely) to hundreds of hours (more likely). The chirpnado has a very low probability of spawning, somewhere around 0.33%. That technically means that every 303 disasters, a special disaster should occur. This obviously may not hold true in the long run, however. Also, there isn't any set basis of time on how often a disaster will occur. From my experience, you may experience two disasters within 5-10 minutes, and then not experience another one for over an hour.

    Fourthly, almost everytime a natural disaster occurs within your play area, your in-game speed is reduced back to the slowest setting. That means, on top of what was said above, if you plan on fully idling this achievement, it will take three times longer. The best and most efficient way to go about doing this achievement is to semi-idle, whereby whenever a natural disaster occurs you turn the speed back up to 3X. You could probably do this while spending most of your time doing something else, like playing on your xbox 360, pc or doing chores, etc.

    --- THE PLAN: ----------
    So, the plan then is to create a city that does not occupy a lot of space, and a play area that mostly consists of undeveloped land. This is so that you can run the map for as long as possible without disasters affecting your city and eventually destroying it as well as your income. You want as much undeveloped space spread as far away from your city as possible to increase the odds of the disasters occurring somewhere other than your city for as long as possible.

    You can accomplish this several ways. A good way to do this is to try to grow your population as much as possible while remaining in the the first map tile you are given for as long as possible, unlocking as many milestones as possible. A good milestone to try to reach is the 30K one; if you unlock this you will have received five additional unlockable map tiles. If you are having trouble doing this, take a look at the Trueachievements walkthrough of the game, where you are guided through doing this.

    Once you have unlocked as many milestones as you can with your city in as small a space as possible, start to purchase map tiles in a direction as far outwards from your city as possible. Make sure to use up all of your map tiles so that there is as much available undeveloped land space as possible.

    Now go into the game's menu, go to options and turn on 'Use Random Disasters'; slide the frequency to maximum.

    Now, it's time to wait.

    Overall, it took me a little over one month of idling and semi-idling to unlock this achievement. For the majority of that time, I was leaving on my console for about twenty hours a day, resting it for about four hours. Even with this, it still took a little over a month to experience a special disaster.

    TIME PLAYED BEFORE GRIND STARTED : approximately 260 Hours
    TOTAL TIME OF GRIND: approximately 441 Hours

    --- OPINION: ----------
    This is a brutally time-consuming achievement. It took me over four hundred hours of grinding to unlock it, and that number could have well been much higher than that. This achievement is the worst kind of achievement, in my opinion - luck based achievements. I really don't think it makes sense to go for this one unless it's one of your last achievements in the game, or you are a serious completionist. Regardless, if you decide to stay in for the long haul, you need to be determined or you're probably going to give up early, especially with all the other games you could be playing instead of grinding this one.

    If you have any questions or can provide any additional information, please leave a comment. Also, please leave a comment before voting negatively so that I can make any improvements or corrections.
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    PJTierneyYeah I'll get there; it's just a grind.

    The plan is to build a self-sustaining city that takes up a third of a tile, with a few Monuments (Power Plant, Space Elevator, Medical Center, Eden Project, Hadron Collider). I've got all that set up now and am just waiting for residents to come into it, and once it's break-even or profitable I'll delete the rest of the city and wait it out.
    Posted by PJTierney on 11 Dec 19 at 09:39
    PJTierney...and done.

    For reference:

    • Population: 12-14,000 (after initially building city up to 130,000 for Campus Achievements)
    • Day/Night Cycle: Off
    • Dynamic Weather: Off
    • Disaster Frequency: Maximum
    • Disasters enabled: Around in-game year 2050
    • Chirpnado Obtained: Around in-game year 2110
    Posted by PJTierney on 22 Dec 19 at 15:33
    craig killed yahas anybody tried spamming the tornado disaster to see if it spawns the chirpynado?
    Posted by craig killed ya on 23 Aug 21 at 19:06
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