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A Parrot-studded gala achievement in Oh...Sir! The Hollywood Roast

A Parrot-studded gala

Have 6 characters receive 15 Golden Parrots each

A Parrot-studded gala+1.0

How to unlock the A Parrot-studded gala achievement

  • M Monster DM Monster D
    23 Dec 2019 01 May 2020 05 May 2020
    This achievement can be unlocked by completing the "campaign"with 6 characters

    After every level you can see the objectives the roast has, in order to get them you'll have to get a little lucky that A: you get the right sentences for your roast and B: your AI doesn't steal half of them away in his turn.

    Overall, all you can do is just try a level over and over until you get it, which is probably not the answer you where hoping for.

    On a positive note, you don't have to get all challenges in one go. 2 tricky challenges and you can win the game completing one of them? Great, now on your next attempt that won't be an issue and there is one less challenge to plague your mind

    Good Luck and happy hunting

    Edit: EpicMount mentioned the great way to get the 2x combo challenge. When making a sentence use the "and" note to make big sentences to get a better chance to get a combo. use the "..." to lengthen your sentence and make it more likely you'll get a combo. after all if your sentence starts with: "You and your mother and your uncle and your sense of style" then there are 4 possibility's for your combo in the next sentence.
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    EpicMountThanks, just got it :) I found that the only ones I struggled with were the 2x combo ones because it just seemed so random. I cleared them with all 6 characters in under an hour once I changed strategy. The first few turns if there was a (...) I'd use that and just keep building (eg Your last movie AND your mom AND your sister AND your dad AND your face) because once I had 10 or so subjects in there, it made it far more likely that I'd be able to get at least one of them on the next go.
    Posted by EpicMount on 05 May 20 at 02:23
    ChucklestyleThe hardest ones for me are using 3 comebacks in 1 fight and finishing the last fight with over 35 health. The cpu always hits me with some bullshit right as I strike the killing blow.
    Posted by Chucklestyle on 31 Jan 22 at 06:10
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