Here is a playlist showing how to complete every challenge: Oasis: Keep moving left and right to make the Crab Nabber jump up at which point move down slightly so that it lands in front of you, leaving itself open to a few attacks from your dagger.
Difficulty: 5/10
Columns: Try to build combos to get bigger multipliers for fast scoring (i.e. eliminating columns of a certain colour causing more of a different colour to be eliminated). Speed & points gained increase as time goes by.
Difficulty: 3/10
Comix Zone: Start off with using your power move to damage the first 2 opponents after which you can deal with the others with a combination of high and low attacks.
Difficulty: 5/10
Crack Down: Follow the path set out in the video and make sure to press up against the walls in narrow corridors to avoid enemy gunfire.
Difficulty: 4/10
Dr Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine: Try to build combos to get bigger multipliers for fast scoring (i.e. eliminating beans of a certain colour causing more of a different colour to be eliminated).
Difficulty: 6/10
Flicky: Try to collect about 4 or 5 birds and return them to the exit. After this point collect the rest whilst avoiding the cats.
Difficulty: 2/10
Golden Axe: Start with moving forward and performing a jump attack against the skeletons. Move up the screen and repeat, move down the screen and repeat, etc. You should be able to do it whilst taking little to no damage.
Difficulty: 1/10
Golden Axe II: Focus on defeating the 2 skeletons first, using jumping attacks which seem to work well on them.
For the boss, follow the video and attack him from either above or below as he doesn't seem to guard very well following this tactic.
Difficulty: 7/10
Golden Axe III: Try to focus on one minotaur at a time & attack from above or below the enemy. Make good use of the magic you have & try some dash attacks from time to time.
Difficulty: 6/10
Ristar: Take your time through the level, learning the enemy placements & making sure to jump over all the large bushes.
The final boss takes 3 hits to defeat.
Difficulty: 5/10
Shadow Dancer: Follow the route in the video, using your magic when needed and rescuing the hostages.
Near the end of the level, rescue the last hostage but leave the green shielded enemy alive. Charge up your dog pounce and attack him twice with it.
Make sure to leave the level without defeating the green shielded enemy as doing so will revert your dog back to it's original form.
Difficulty: 9/10
Shining Force:Characters:
Max: He is needed throughout the game, if he falls in battle the game is over.
Ken / Mae: The two knights on horseback that you acquire. Good for close range fighting.
Luke: Dressed in blue, also good for close range fighting.
Hans: Green archer, good for ranged attacks.
Tao: Magic user, good for ranged attacks.
Lowe: Dressed in green, used for healing if any of your comrades fall low on health.
Try to fight the enemy on different terrain for a land effect attack bonus (shows in top left of the overworld screen).
Watch out for the man-bats as they seem to have quite high evasion.
Remember you are allowed to lose a team member (NOT Max) so if a battle is not going your way it might be better to leave them there and move on.
Difficulty: 8/10
Sonic the Hedgehog: Hold left and time your jumps so that you jump again when you land on the platforms.
Difficulty: 2/10
Space Harrier II: Make sure you are always moving and holding down the fire button. For the boss aim for the heads.
Difficulty: 5/10
Streets of Rage: Make good use of the health pick-ups you find to recover any health you may lose through the course of the level.
Save the special move and turkey for the end of level boss.
Difficulty: 7/10
Streets of Rage 2: Keep your distance and make good use of your jump kick for this challenge.
Difficulty: 6/10
Streets of Rage 3: Try to focus on one boss at a time, starting off with a normal combo finishing it with a special move (doing it this way doesn't deplete your health too much).
Make sure you are on your last life with very little yellow in your health bar before dealing the last hit on the final boss.
Difficulty: 10/10
The Revenge of Shinobi: Activate your magic at the beginning to give you limited invincibility.
When it runs out just keep jumping forward until the exit sign where you should get hit deliberately to drain your health to one bar before proceeding.
Difficulty: 6/10
Vectorman 2: Try to follow the video the best you can and be careful against enemies as they can easily overpower you.
Difficulty: 8/10
Virtua Fighter 2: Hold down and keep pressing kick. You might lose the first round due to starting with such low health (I managed to win in the video) but the other 2 rounds will be won with ease.
Difficulty: 1/10