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Commitment achievement in SEGA Genesis Classics


Sonic The Hedgehog - Collect all 6 Chaos Emeralds


How to unlock the Commitment achievement

  • sm182sm182
    14 Jun 2019 09 Jul 2019 05 May 2020

    On the title screen (where Sonic the Hedgehog is visible), press UP, DOWN. LEFT, RIGHT, UP, (B), (B), UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, (X) + START to access the Level Select screen with Debug Mode enabled.

    Select Special Stage and when it starts press (A) to turn into a Ring and proceed to the Chaos Emerald and press (A) again to collect it.

    When the Green Hill Zone loads up, pause and press 'Start' and (X) together to reload the title screen.

    At the title screen press 'Start' and (X) together to access the Level Select screen again and pick Special Stage. You will now be on the second Special Stage.

    Repeat this process until all the Chaos Emeralds are yours and the achievement unlocks.
    Showing most recent comments. View all comments.
    lLeoOneBRCan confirm the method informed by @Lukey x 1993 works perfectly. Thanks
    Posted by lLeoOneBR on 10 Apr 21 at 21:27
    DivxKillerI was struggling to get the debug code to work consistently. If you fail to enter the code correctly, it starts the game and resets your chaos emerald progress. If you push X + start and you don't get the the debug menu, you can use LT to rewind time and try again. This will keep your progress.
    Posted by DivxKiller on 22 Jul 21 at 01:28
    Mr Rabbit Di’ve just been attempting this chevo. what worked for me was, (up B, down B, left B, right B. when selecting special stage immediately hold x until the level loads. tap A and your a ring.

    this is after you put in the level select code.

    i would advise entering level select. going into green hill. press start hold x then on title screen enter debug code. then tap start and x at the same time.

    hope this helps everyone. i really struggled might just be me. happy gaming.
    Posted by Mr Rabbit D on 17 Aug 22 at 13:00
    SeyjiI got this achievement in the achievement section of the Game but nota pop Up un Xbox...
    Posted by Seyji on 04 Oct 22 at 19:59
    Caesar BarnesI think this achievement is glitched, got all 6 and nothing popped, it says I got it in the game though.
    Posted by Caesar Barnes on 30 Jul 23 at 21:34
    billbillbillGreat solution - as a note, if anyone's having the same issues I did: When told to "Press START + X" at the same time, it means be Holding X when you Press START. Similarly, to return to the title screen you want to pause the game with START and then Press X.
    Wasted too much time being bemused at thirty year old cheat-codes...
    Posted by billbillbill on 09 Jan 24 at 13:40
    master9067Spent the past hr trying this looking around and I cannot get it to work for the life of me I'm done screw this achievement I think this way was patched or something
    Posted by master9067 on 18 Mar 24 at 15:12
    Nivosus MonarchWorked like a charm on Steam. Just be sure to finish Emerald zone 1 and 2 and the achievement should pop. Thanks sm182
    Posted by Nivosus Monarch on 13 Jun 24 at 20:31
    HASaldi404Or just play the game normally, with the rewind feature it's super easy.
    Posted by HASaldi404 on 21 Jun 24 at 11:55
    Tecstar70Followed Me Rabbit D instructions and worked fine.
    Posted by Tecstar70 on 12 Oct 24 at 15:49
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