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Update 1.5.0: Update Aquatic - Phase Two

64,966 (31%)
Update 1.5.0: Update Aquatic - Phase Two

Echolocation achievement in Minecraft


Feed a dolphin fish to have it lead you to treasure


How to unlock the Echolocation achievement

  • BiLLzuMaNaTiBiLLzuMaNaTi
    11 Jul 2018 10 Jul 2018
  • Have you got any tips or tricks to unlock this achievement?
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  • Leo AscendentLeo Ascendent
    11 Jul 2018 10 Jul 2018 17 Jul 2018
    29 1 5
    Must have the Aquatic Update (1.5 Phase 2)

    You'll need to feed a dolphin raw cod or salmon (thanks HolyHalfDead for the info) and have it lead you to some ruins (or other location with tresure such as a shipwreck). Dolphins spawn in all oceans except frozen.

    The tricky part is getting them to stay still or close long enough to feed them the fish. You will likely just have to mash cn_LT when one is near to feed them. This may take several fish, as I'm not sure if they go directly to the ruins, or only part ways.

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    Showing most recent comments. View all comments.
    Leo AscendentIs it a raw cod or salmon? You may have to just mash LT around them, as they swim pretty fast and can easily move out of range.
    Posted by Leo Ascendent on 17 Jul 18 at 23:09
    MoustachioI found it pretty easy. I used the bucket I had caught a salmon in for the earlier achievement and dumped it into a single hole. Then I hit the salmon until it died and gathered it as inventory. I swam up to a dolphin that was approaching and hit LT. As soon as the dolphin ate it, the chivo popped.
    Posted by Moustachio on 31 Jul 18 at 04:31
    UltraAmbiguousDolphins will beach themselves if you're heading to shore. Fed it there and followed it and it's trail of bubbles to the treasure. I stayed in my boat and still received the cheevo.
    Posted by UltraAmbiguous on 22 Mar 20 at 12:21
  • Itzz Sh0wt1m3Itzz Sh0wt1m3
    10 Jul 2018 06 Aug 2018
    20 1 0
    This solution is only applicable to those who can host an achievement world from a PC, tablet or phone!
    I've made an achievement world which has both phase 1 and 2 achievements in there pretty much set up. Download it from here:

    Aquatic Sh0wt1m3 is the file for MCPE versions (which is in version 1.5)
    .W10_Aquatic Sh0wt1m3 v1 for 1.5.0 (Thanks to Mathguy42) is for WP and Win10.

    For the achievements, open chest on left. Retrieve the Prismarine blocks, Trident, raw salmon and sea pickles from the top row.

    Jump in the water and go underwater. Have the trident in your hand and hold LT/right mouse and then release to give your self a boost for "Do a Barrel Roll!". Go to the portal near the shore and place the missing prismarine block on the center bottom (directly beneath the conduit) to unlock Moskstraumen. Now go to any random sand block on the floor in the ocean and place 4 sea pickles on the same block to unlock "One two sea four pickles". Last thing to do is to feed salmon to a dolphin. Just swim around for a bit and once you spot one head over to him and feed him the raw salmon to unlock "Echolocation".

    Note: If unsure how to extract world, have a look at the walkthrough's hints and tips page.
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