8-Bit RTS Series

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Insane in the Brain! achievement in 8-Bit RTS Series

Insane in the Brain!

Win a skirmish game against at least one insane AI with the Renegades faction.

Insane in the Brain!0
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How to unlock the Insane in the Brain! achievement

  • EveryBaseEveryBase
    27 Feb 2023 01 Mar 2023 01 Mar 2023
    If like me you were scratching your head figuring out why Hard is the highest difficulty and how to get this the answer is that 2 hard opponents equal insane difficulty for some reason. So to do this the easy way do a 4 vs 2 battle with all hard AI. Your 3 hard teammate bots will easily destroy the 2 hard enemy armies for you. I literally idled and won.
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