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Rick Nash achievement in NHL 2K9

Rick Nash

Get at least 3 points and a shootout goal in a win with Rick Nash.

Rick Nash0

How to unlock the Rick Nash achievement

  • Removed Gamer
    Gamer has been removed
    Use the two controller method. Rich Nash can be found on the Canadian National Team. THIS MUST BE DONE IN A SINGLE GAME Once the game loads pause it and go to edit lines. I ended up putting nash on F1 (line 1) cause for me that line was out on the ice all the time. While your in the edit lines part put rich nash as the 1st person to take a shot in a shoot out. He isn’t on the original line up of shot takes. Once your all done press B to go back and resume. Don’t worry it will save the changes. Now once Rick has the puck pull the other goalie and you have an easy goal. Rinse and repeat 2 more times. Now you just need the shoot out goal. with the 2nd controller get the puck. with controller 1 pull the goalie and score a goal against the Canadian national team. You'll need 3 (or however many goals you scores with the Canadian team) to tie the game to send it into OT (over time). Now just wait for overtime to be over. now in the shoot out, just score a goal with Nash and whoever is after win to win the shootout and the game. Once the game is over you'll get this achievement
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