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Undisputed Champion achievement in NHL 2K9

Undisputed Champion

Win the Presidents' Trophy and Stanley Cup in a single season.

Undisputed Champion0

How to unlock the Undisputed Champion achievement

  • Removed Gamer
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    You can do this 1 of 2 ways. You can just play through franchise with any team on rookie and just do good. Or you can go to features then manage rosters then team rosters. Take your favorite team and put all the 90+ players on your team. Once done save the roster and play francise with current roster. Now just sim and you'll get the presidents’ trophy and the Stanley cup in one season.
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    kbkM347W4DTook me 3 seasons but it finally unlocked despite having won both trophies in all three seasons. good solution though.
    Posted by kbkM347W4D on 13 Jan 12 at 01:07
    StevoCallyWorked first time, brilliant solution, very easy to follow.
    Posted by StevoCally on 05 Apr 12 at 23:27
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