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The Bigger They Are... achievement in TNA iMPACT!

The Bigger They Are...

Defeat Kevin Nash in Story mode (Chapter 6).

The Bigger They Are...0

How to unlock the The Bigger They Are... achievement

  • Honeycut1Honeycut1
    03 Jul 2011 03 Jul 2011
    I beat the game last night and here is my tip to beat Nash and all the other Heavyweights.

    I found that the default grapple (hit Y), dropping chin/neck breaker, was pretty much unblockable. So I was able to get Jarrett on the ground with the default grapple, then either kick/punch or do a quick submission.

    As soon as Jarrett got up I would do the default grapple and then continue the punch/kick or submission until his body was red and then used a torture rack to win the match.
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