Squad Goals (50G) - Score a Goal while in a Club Match (Online Matchmaking only)This solutions is for people who have 2 Xbox's, 2 Accounts (1 main & 1 dummy account) & 4 controllers.This has been tested on two accounts and has worked both times.
First thing you want to do is load up your dummy account on your home/main Xbox console so it shares the gold membership and games you have and then load your main account onto your other Xbox.
Once both consoles are in game press
on the other 2 controllers to join each game and assign each one as a guest.
Now create a club with your dummy account and main account.
This bit is key... Once clubs have been created go to the very bottom of the page and press
on the guest tab and it should say ''Invite to Club''. Once you accept the invite on the second controller you should see the guest accounts appear in the rosters and have the clubs colour above the gamer picture at the bottom of the page.
Now... Once this is set up on both consoles you want to set up the following settings:
Play online
2v2 Doubles (make sure its the only one selected)
Region Middle-East
Then on both main controllers press
at the same time to search for a game.
(I matched up pretty much every time to my dummy account and its guest)
Then all you need to do is score with your main account that is going for the achievement!
Like I said above...
This solutions is for people who have 2 Xbox's, 2 Accounts (1 main & 1 dummy account) & 4 controllers.