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Super Blocker achievement in Domino Master

Super Blocker

Win 30 blocked rounds

Super Blocker0

How to unlock the Super Blocker achievement

  • acedawg4acedawg4
    Locked 05 Jun 2011 05 Jun 2011
    A blocked game is when both players are not able to place anymore dominos on the board. this does not come around that often with many of the game types, but I found that in Bergen game type it happens alot!!!
    Players must match the end numbers only to get points. +2 For every match and +3 for placing a double down. You also get +2 for winning a round.

    Here's what you do.
    Difficulty set to beginner
    1 Opponent
    Domino set of 6
    starting hand 7

    Try to get you opponent to grab more dominos from the boneyard. Try to make yourself pick up as well to make the game from ending. Try to lock the game when placing all the same number of its kind (7 of each number). Also when all the bones are used the game will end and try to have the low number dominos remaining in your hand. If you win, you will be rewarded the +2 points for winning the round.
    Do this 10 more times. Does not have to be in a single game.
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    sobadnomadDo Bergen with the following set up (difficulties are optional because I don't see a difference in odds).

    Difficulty: Beginner (opt)
    # of opponents: 1 (2 but risky)
    Domino set: 6/6
    Starting hand: 5
    Winning score: 30

    You can also do 5s and turn the spinner off, however you can score a max of 20 on a turn and all dominos count at the end, so bergen makes the most sense in my opinion.

    How to set up blocks... there are 7 bones per number, do your best to pay attention to your hand and what numbers have been played. You can easily force draws or blocks this way.

    For example, if one end is a 3 and the other is a 5, and there are 5-3s and 4-5s played and you have 2-3s and 3-5s odds are the opponent will have to draw, especially if you play a double.

    It's all hit and miss with the odds, but you want to play with a starting hand of 5 even though it seems counterintuitive because you need to ensure YOU have less pips in the end.

    Pro tip save your double blanks at all costs.
    Posted by sobadnomad on 24 Nov 24 at 06:49
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