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Blessed achievement in Devious Dungeon


Receive a blessing from the Priest.


How to unlock the Blessed achievement

  • C64 MatC64 Mat
    10 Oct 2018 10 Oct 2018 10 Oct 2018
    The priest is found alongside Olaf in a small tunnel at the end of every three levels.

    You pay him $50 to heal you to max health, and unlock this achievement the first time you do so.

    Whilst here, be sure to buy one of each item from Olaf when you can afford it, for the following achievements:

    Devious DungeonSharpened BladeThe Sharpened Blade achievement in Devious Dungeon worth 30 pointsBought a new weapon.

    Devious DungeonArmored!The Armored! achievement in Devious Dungeon worth 30 pointsBought some armor.

    Devious DungeonMagic BrewThe Magic Brew achievement in Devious Dungeon worth 30 pointsBought a potion.

    Devious DungeonTil Death Do Us PartThe Til Death Do Us Part achievement in Devious Dungeon worth 30 pointsBought a ring.

    Devious DungeonKing of BlingThe King of Bling achievement in Devious Dungeon worth 30 pointsBought an amulet.
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