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Hoist the Flag achievement in Battlefield V

Hoist the Flag

In Multiplayer, capture 10 flags in Frontlines

Hoist the Flag0
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How to unlock the Hoist the Flag achievement

  • KanchanaburiKanchanaburi
    01 Oct 2019 12 Sep 2019 05 Oct 2019
    24 6 7
    To get this achievement, you need to capture 10 flags during the game type Frontlines (you must survive the flag capturing. You will find this game type (currently) in


    Currently, the GO Rotterdam campaign has frontlines on during DAY3 on the map Devastation. If you are looking in the custom games, you can look for either DEVASTATION map, FRONTLINES game type, OR you can look for Rotterdam map on Breakthrough game type. Joining the second one will ensure you have time to get the flag, however, you can always chance joining the frontlines game type right away, but usually, because of the slow loading times, you would join when it's too late.

    You can also find Frontlines game type on the map Arras during DAY3 of the GO Twisted Steal. Here you can join Arras Frontlines to be right there on DAY3 or you can join twisted steal breakthrough and join on Day2.

    MAKE SURE you join a GRANDOPERATIONS, as you can have most of these selections under their own gametypes.

    To get this, you must be on the flag when the team captures it during the first part of day 3. It is best to find a place to hide and let everyone else fight it out. From what I can tell, defender or attacker doesn't matter on this day, as both teams are fighting for the same flag capture. Also, if you capture it and then lose the next phase, you can a chance to get a second flag on the same match. So you know, as soon as you get one, go take a coffee break and hope your team gets pushed back for another chance.

    I should also note, that if you had previous progress to this, it may have been reset after the achievement fixing patch (as mine did). SO if you're returning to this, don't be surprised if your progress goes from 20% TO 10% AFTER capturing your first post 'fix' capture.

    Previously, there was a game mode called Frontlines but due to 'low player count' they eliminated the game mode. However, DICE has hinted it could be back during limited timed events. Who knows?

    Guide not helping? View 6 more guides for this achievement.

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    MiqueiasCrispimAny chances to boost this achievement?
    Posted by MiqueiasCrispim on 03 Nov 23 at 16:05
    Maka150Need help with this 2024. Add me on Xbox Live: Maka150
    Posted by Maka150 on 21 Jul at 11:34
    ChinchillianAnyone up for boosting? GT: Chinchillian
    Posted by Chinchillian on 03 Sep at 14:21
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  • ZukapeZukape
    28 Sep 2019 27 Sep 2019 07 Oct 2019
    As of 27/09/2019 none of the guides are updated. But this solution will help you to clarify things.

    Update: Great addition from ShadyShall: Make sure to write down or memorise the Server number. This way you wont waste time joining to same server if you are too late for the flag.

    Battlefield V's framework is completely broken, whenever you press cn_guide button it will kick you out of the game. So you shouldnt check your achievement progress while playing the game. Recently patched.

    First of first, Frontlines only avaliable in Grand Operations. To make it easier for you; uncheck everything on advanced search. Then under maps section only choose these 3 maps: Devastation, Arras, Rotterdam. DO NOT CHOOSE Frontlines Mode, if you do specify the mode nothing will show up on Server list.

    After you set these 3 maps, only look for Frontlines games. It will be mixed with other game types. If nothing shows up, refresh by pressing cn_start.

    Pick one of the Frontlines game, the game has to be just started otherwise quit and look for another server. So, some people may not know this but only first objective(flag) counts towards the achievement. Not the other 3 objectives you explode further in game.

    After you captured the flag, dont check your progress, instead wait till game ends. Theres always another chance to get 2nd flag, that only happens if you dont explode 3 of the objectives and out of lives.

    Since 4.4 update achievement progress is fixed. Feel free to quit the game and look for another Frontlines mode. Your achievement progress wont reset.
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    DoomScottI have no idea why everyone is saying this is so hard. I just started Battlefield V today, and I got this in my first two matches of Frontlines I had ever played... It is incredibly easy. Just go to advanced search, sort by only Frontlines (this DOES work, despite what some people have said) and you CAN find lobbies/servers of ONLY Frontlines (despite what people have said) and you should be able to get this EASILY in 2-4 matches. Just focus solely on taking the objectives and, like I said, it literally took me two matches. I did this today July 31, 2021, so it is completely possible in 2021. It is a Saturday so I would try to check on the weekends during the day and early evening because that is when the most people are on. Absolutely no glitches with this achievement, it tracks perfectly fine, and ALL FLAGS count, even if they are ones you captured once and then were pushed back to. I got 4 my first match and 6 the other match because the match kept going back and forth.
    Posted by DoomScott on 01 Aug 21 at 00:06
    ZukapeBack then it used to be hella broken. Probably they fixed it.
    Posted by Zukape on 01 Aug 21 at 07:35
    Taro Korya SanCant find any flag matches even on the weekends
    Posted by Taro Korya San on 25 Sep 21 at 20:50
  • mvsnormvsnor
    11 Aug 2020 22 Jun 2019 08 Jan 2022
    29 16 17
    EDIT: To Avoid further downvotes, Frontlines seems to be back in rotation semi-regularly and people are able to find a few games mostly during the weekends in 2021/2022! According to a few recent comments the achievement seems to be tracking your progress like its supposed to again. Hope everyone is able to get the achievement now!

    Due to a low player count, the gamemode was removed with Domination on May 30th, 2019. The only way you'll be able to get this achievement now is if you manage to reach the 'Frontlines' part of the game mode 'Grand Operations'.
    Showing most recent comments. View all comments.
    DoomScottI have no idea why everyone is saying this is so hard. I just started Battlefield V today, and I got this in my first two matches of Frontlines I had ever played... It is incredibly easy. Just go to advanced search, sort by only Frontlines (this DOES work, despite what some people have said) and you CAN find lobbies/servers of ONLY Frontlines (despite what people have said) and you should be able to get this EASILY in 2-4 matches. Just focus solely on taking the objectives and, like I said, it literally took me two matches. I did this today July 31, 2021, so it is completely possible in 2021. It is a Saturday so I would try to check on the weekends during the day and early evening because that is when the most people are on. Absolutely no glitches with this achievement, it tracks perfectly fine, and ALL FLAGS count, even if they are ones you captured once and then were pushed back to. I got 4 my first match and 6 the other match because the match kept going back and forth.
    Posted by DoomScott on 01 Aug 21 at 00:04
    BajerKRI did this in one day took me about 1 hour - I chose "advanced search" and picked "Frontlines" mode, also chose every possible region, and all slots, if there was not a server I chose the "Comunity games" it is a little bit below, and there always were about 2-3 servers with many players.
    Posted by BajerKR on 04 Aug 21 at 09:45
    shootsniffieDownvoted for wrong info, as said above in the reactions, there still are frontline matches during the weekend. As I did it myself today.
    Posted by shootsniffie on 19 Sep 21 at 13:28
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