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Chief of Cultivation achievement in Farming Simulator 19

Chief of Cultivation

Cultivate 100 hectares

Chief of Cultivation0

How to unlock the Chief of Cultivation achievement

  • Bobo daMunkeeBobo daMunkee
    31 Jan 2020 27 Jan 2020 27 Jan 2020
    Note: It doesn't matter if you do it yourself or hire a worker for this to count. However, it must be done on a field you own, hired jobs do not count for this.

    This is a simple achievement it just takes time. Just grab your favorite tractor, put a cultivator on the back and go to town on a field you own. The bigger the cultivator, the faster you can get this done. It is faster to rotate through the cultivating, sowing, fertilizing and harvesting on the same field so you are working on the achievements for all 4 instead of doing one group at a time.

    You can make it less a chore by buying a big field and hiring a worker then walking away while your minion does the work. You will likely have to repeat this several times depending on how much you actually played the game before starting on it.

    You should also get these while completing this one.
    Farming Simulator 19Backyard GardenerThe Backyard Gardener achievement in Farming Simulator 19 worth 26 pointsCultivate 1 hectare

    Farming Simulator 19Fervent FarmerThe Fervent Farmer achievement in Farming Simulator 19 worth 73 pointsCultivate 10 hectares
    Showing all 8 comments. Leave a comment.
    The DoopsterBugged for me. Cultivated over 100 hectares on mulitple farms and still hasn't popped for me
    Posted by The Doopster on 14 Apr 20 at 21:10
    the QuiltlessWorked fine for me just.

    I realised that the statistics page defaults to acres, though still says hectares. It can be changed by a setting on the general settings page.
    Posted by the Quiltless on 11 May 20 at 23:57
    W0RBEY1993Does it have to be done in one session?
    Posted by W0RBEY1993 on 12 May 20 at 18:37
    GeneralKatarn89I can confirm it does not span across multiple savegames, it has to be done in a single playthrough but not a single session (you can save & exit), you can see the progression in the stats menu in the "total" column.
    Posted by GeneralKatarn89 on 14 Jul 21 at 14:45
    HealttiI'd recommend a machine that both sows and cultivates in one go. Found one under "Disc Harrows", can't quite recall the model.
    Posted by Healtti on 18 Jul 21 at 10:34
    Vampire1476@Healtti you mean sow and fertilize i think
    Posted by Vampire1476 on 19 Jul 21 at 02:21
    Bobo daMunkeeI don't know it counts all of them, but I'm playing the PC version and I have one that cultivates, sows and fertilizes. I'll check tomorrow and see if it increases all three at the same time.

    UPDATE: It doesn't count all three, just sow and fertilize. The equipment is Amazone Condor 15001. I got it in the Sower section.
    Posted by Bobo daMunkee on 20 Jul 21 at 01:08
    WrathOfIndra@Healtti I used one the cultivates as it sows and it only progressed the stat for sowing, not cultivating.
    Posted by WrathOfIndra on 28 May 22 at 17:56
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