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Happy Plants achievement in Farming Simulator 19

Happy Plants

Fertilize 1 hectare

Happy Plants0

How to unlock the Happy Plants achievement

  • Bobo daMunkeeBobo daMunkee
    28 Jan 2020 27 Jan 2020
    Note: It doesn't matter if you do it yourself or hire a worker for this to count. However, it must be done on a field you own, hired jobs do not count for this.

    This is a simple achievement it just takes time. Just grab your favorite tractor, put a fertilizing unit on the back and go to town on a field you own. The bigger the fertilizer, the faster you can get this done. It is faster to rotate through the cultivating, sowing, fertilizing and harvesting on the same field so you are working on the achievements for all 4 instead of doing one group at a time.

    You should get this naturally while going for these.
    Farming Simulator 19Delighted PlantsThe Delighted Plants achievement in Farming Simulator 19 worth 66 pointsFertilize 10 hectares

    Farming Simulator 19Ecstatic PlantsThe Ecstatic Plants achievement in Farming Simulator 19 worth 201 pointsFertilize 100 hectares
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