Taken from baconbail on xbox360achievements.com
"The best advice i can give is too keep using the 1st rifle you start with, the 577 i think, and then upgrade it till its maxed out, secondary weapon use the 30-30 lever and max it out, by far the most capacity and shoots quick, but it reloads slow, so dont use it for the biggest game, but big cats, hyenas, wolves ect are good to use, and once you run out of ammo, dont reload, just switch to a different gun. for pistol use the 475 hunting pistol and max it out.
In rounds with big cats, straff them and they get right back after them, when they turn around they pause for about a second and a half, just keep running at them until the cross hairs are over them and, Bang!, next.
Keep an eye on your power ups and when you get one that slows time, hang on to it until you get to the cats or wolves, they help alot there, but dont wait to long or you lose the power up, use it dont lose it. in the action zone i never even waste my time with the scope, just keep shooting from the hip. when you clear all the animals in that round, reload again as you head to the green halo.
A couple of the platinum gave me a little grief, 10-20 times tops, 3 of the 6 i got on the first try. once you get all done plus all bonus and career, then you get 100%, then just restart on hard and get the other, no need to waste time with the action zone again."
Easier to do on Normal difficulty. Also, there appears to be a glitch that prevents the third set of Zones from unlocking. As far as I can tell, there's nothing you can do to coax them to unlock after you past the level. I would just go through them again in Normal, not completing any bonus missions if possible.
I found this much easier once the Semi-Auto rifle was unlocked and upgraded the ammo capacity. Quick firing with good stopping power really helps when dealing with Jaguars, Leopards and the like.
Although these are not stackable, they do carry over across saves. For example. I had all but the Alaskan Action Zones done (the Alaska level never unlocked despite meeting the requirements). So, I started a new game (DID NOT SAVE OVER OTHER DATA!!!!!), unlocked those levels and did them. As soon as I finished Alaska on Bronze, Bronze Sharpshooter unlocked, when silver was done, Silver Sharpshooter unlocked, etc. This also happened with the Bonus Hunts. As long as you have a file with them done, you do not need to do them again.