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Update 1.8.0: Cats & Pandas

57,800 (34%)
Update 1.8.0: Cats & Pandas

Zoologist achievement in Minecraft


Breed two pandas with bamboo.


How to unlock the Zoologist achievement

  • IdenicIdenic
    11 Dec 2018 11 Dec 2018
    1. Find some bamboo. It spawns in Jungle Biomes, but rarely will it spawn in a single single shoot. It's most commonly found in a "Bamboo Jungle", a new variant inside a regular jungle. I was struggling to find one when I went out looking.

    To make it easier, when creating a new world, click the arrow next to the spot to type in a seed. There you can pick "Jungle Temple", and for that world you'll spawn in near one. There is a good chance bamboo will be in the chests inside. If you need to grow more, they grow just like sugar cane.

    2. Find pandas. They are located in jungles walking slowly on the ground. They are not hostile.
    If you hold bamboo out, they will follow you like other animals.

    3. If you give the pandas bamboo, they'll just eat it and there won't be any hearts. To breed, pandas need at least 8 bamboo blocks within a 5 block radius. So just grow a bunch, encase the pandas in a love room of bamboo, click on both, and a baby should pop out shortly.

    Hope this helps, lemme know if you're having problems toast

    Guide not helping? View 4 more guides for this achievement.

    Showing most recent comments. View all comments.
    induvielgamerWhy use the jungle temple seed if there is a bamboo forest seed? You save some time not needing to grow bamboo at all.
    Posted by induvielgamer on 05 Mar 21 at 09:03
    Leo Deo NeoStill have an achievement world for anyone who’s needing help with achievements. GT: Leo Deo Neo
    Posted by Leo Deo Neo on 02 Jan 23 at 16:05
    Thumbs up from me 👍
    Posted on 18 Dec 23 at 22:57
  • Have you got any tips or tricks to unlock this achievement?
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  • UtG MistUtG Mist
    04 Jan 2019 10 Jan 2019
  • ScoobyDeezyScoobyDeezy
    29 May 2019 29 May 2019
    23 0 2
    For Bedrock 1.11+

    Load Seed 2069597813 - you'll spawn in a huge jungle. There is a bamboo forest nearby. Find some Pandas. Feed them. Profit.
    Showing both comments.
    GrumpyYogi1968Bamboo jungle for this seed is at 480, 68, 80
    Posted by GrumpyYogi1968 on 13 Aug 19 at 09:31
    branstoneboyThis seed still works. You can find Pandas in the jungle or the bamboo forest (I found one in both biome). You can lure the pandas around with bamboo but will find it difficult to navigate through the bamboo forest and will need to cut a lot of it down. Also I could only breed them in a 5x5 pit for some reason (described in comments on another solution).
    Posted by branstoneboy on 30 Dec 19 at 22:12
There are 2 other guides for this achievement
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