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Winter Wonderland 2018

6,789 (16%)
Winter Wonderland 2018

Rampage achievement in Overwatch 2


Kill 3 enemies as the Yeti in Yeti Hunt.

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How to unlock the Rampage achievement

  • Flydog92Flydog92
    11 Dec 2018 12 Dec 2018
    13 1 4
    Pretty self explanatory. They don't have to be all in one rage, just in one match. Here's some tips.

    - Drop your shield behind you as much as possible. Especially when the Meis are chasing you.

    - Watch for traps of course. Getting stuck in those could prove fatal.

    - Don't be afraid to use your gun when not in rage mode to kill a Mei. It'll melt her pretty quick and some players either don't use their ice heal right away so you can kill them or use it before you get there and it hasn't regenerated in time.

    - When you have 3/4 meats, get to the last one and kind of wait a second in an attempt to lure Meis to you. Sometimes players will be stupid enough to come toward you and that's when you get them.

    You have about 15 seconds or so in rage mode. It can be hard sometimes to keep track of where the Meis are when you're constantly flying around in rage mode. Don't panic though. You have all match to simply kill 3 of them. Obviously if you kill 5 of them, you win, so just aim to win the match in general and this will come easy.
    Showing all 4 comments. Leave a comment.
    DixxxxxonI managed to get all three kills with Winston’s normal gun. Instead of going for the meat, I went straight for the Meis and attacked. I think I threw them off-guard ;)
    Posted by Dixxxxxon on 12 Dec 18 at 07:30
    FlabyoYeah, this one is really easy compared to the others in the event. Enjoy the high ratio while it lasts :)
    Posted by Flabyo on 12 Dec 18 at 09:47
    Flydog92Ya the other two I’ve done the past two winters and now that they are achievements, they are driving me nuts to try to get lol
    Posted by Flydog92 on 12 Dec 18 at 15:06
    I am MindslaveThe comments are right about how easy this was. My first game of yeti hunter this year, the entire enemy team tried to melt me and I got an Easy triple
    Posted by I am Mindslave on 17 Dec 18 at 23:04
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