This is probably the most challenging achievement of the game, as you do have to meet certain "time" records. You may have to play through some training exercises
multiple times to understand the basic controls, movement, how the weapon works, & position.
I found that the later weapons seemed more strategic/precise with what you need to do. My suggestion is going slow (run the time) just to understand what the exercise wants you to do. Know that it's perfectly normal if you can't get the timed record within the first few tries, the
sniper & the shockbow exercises gave me the hardest time because of precision and having to use secondary abilities simultaneously.
As soon as you finish the last Gold, the achievement will pop right after!
SETUP*** Spoiler - click to reveal ***From the main menu scroll over to "Training". Choose any of the training exercises, though I do suggest going in order from Left to Right, Basic and Advanced. (Ex: "Movement" basic, then do the advanced)
Tips & Controls- Avoid touching the walls as they will slow you down.
- Go slow to learn what you need to do & how to position self
- - Running
- - Shoot/Slice/Smash
- - Aim
- - Skip (useful over lasers in the Movement (Advanced) & Umbrella (advanced))
- - Secondary Weapon/Ability
Here's a useful reference for the Training Exercises -