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Zeus achievement in At Sundown: Shots in the Dark


Win 500 games


How to unlock the Zeus achievement

  • BenderWinBenderWin
    05 May 2022 05 May 2022 05 May 2022
    I did this by playing online and double boxing with an alt.
    Setup: deathmatch, 1 kill, 0sec respawn.

    Make sure to hit the "same map" by hitting cn_X so it doesn't send you back to the setup screen where you have to put in all the data again.

    At a slow pace (Waiting on Synchronizing/"same map" screen 10sec wait and load) will take about 20sec total. So roughly 180 games per hour or should take a little less than 3hrs to complete this achievement!

    You can probably get more games in if you are hitting "same map" instead of waiting out the 10sec countdown (my alt setup was in a different room so I just waited out the countdown).

    Currently, the achievements don't track, but you can check how many games you've won on the main menu > profile > cn_RT and scroll down on the left panel and you'll see your game stats.
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