8 2 7Actions You need to unlock the BathroomHow to unlock: The Full Toybox achievement in BOMBFEST worth 88 pointsUnlock All Bombs and StagesStart the level and move to one side of the duck so it tips over.Showing all 7 comments. Leave a comment. can't get it to flip without someone ending up in the water and the level ending immediately. If I add more, it still starts to flip and 2-3 immediately end up in the water. Do you have any more advice than move to one side?Posted by TheOnlyMatto on 30 Jun 20 at 05:11 figured it out (I think, might just be a glitchy game). Worked on the first try vs bots even though it was a stale mate and he tilted less than he did vs myself. Just a thought for anyone having trouble.Posted by TheOnlyMatto on 30 Jun 20 at 05:33 Sorry just saw this. Glad u got itPosted by BiLLzuMaNaTi on 30 Jun 20 at 06:05 Is there a certain trick to this? I can't seem to get this specific achievement to pop and i have tried this so many times with 4 controllers, 3 bots, 2 controllers, but nothing seems to work.Posted by CuddIe Bunny on 12 Aug 20 at 21:11 Takes a few tries. You need the weight of bombs in addition to players. I set up vs 3 AI with only basic bombs and just tried to stay alive until they tilted it themselves.Posted by Chucklestyle on 14 Aug 20 at 21:07 Thanks @Chuckle. As soon as I had (only) normal bombs on, I got it first tryPosted by thatNoseyParker on 22 Feb 21 at 23:16 Glitchy for sure. Got it with 3 AI bots, only normal bombs on high spawn rate. The time it unlocked it was leaning on its side to the top of the level but I swear it was less than other times I got it leaning.Posted by DoomScott on 22 Oct 24 at 07:42 Leave a comment