Unruly Heroes

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Full Throttle achievement in Unruly Heroes

Full Throttle

Activate any character's power

Full Throttle0

How to unlock the Full Throttle achievement

  • SophiniaSophinia
    30 Oct 2020 31 Oct 2020 31 Oct 2020
    This achievement is really easy. On the bottom of your screen, you have your characters health bars. Above the health bars is a blue bar which you fill either by killing enemies or destroying certain items in the maps. When prompted press LT and RT to trigger the character power and this achievement should pop netting you 10G. However please be aware that if you fill the bar and don't use it and that character dies, this bar will be depleted and you will have to refill the bar again. The power bars are per character so all of the bars have to be filled for each character if you want to use all of the character's unique powers.
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