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Oopsie... achievement in Unruly Heroes


Kill one of you coop friend


How to unlock the Oopsie... achievement

  • HawkeyeBarry20HawkeyeBarry20
    29 Jan 2019 29 Jan 2019
    18 1 4
    Very easy achievement, load up any level and continue through it until you find a hole, a pit with spikes or something that would result in an instant death if you fell in it. Once there turn on your second controller and press A to select any character. He will spawn next to you. Whoever wants the achievement, use that player, face the other player and press B to grab them and throw them into the hole and that’s your achievement. I did it on level 2 like 10 seconds into the level.
    Showing all 4 comments. Leave a comment.
    GamePadZebbyThe irony of mistyping the achievement description in an achievement called "oopsie" 😅

    I honestly don't know who would vote this solution down 👌👍
    Posted by GamePadZebby on 28 Mar 21 at 10:58
    IceeLady👍 thx HawkeyeBarry!! Worked like a charm on 2nd level like you said!
    Posted by IceeLady on 19 Oct 21 at 20:51
    SpockMcCoyIEWorked like a charm, thanks!
    “Sorry, but not sorry” would have been a better title for this achievement. 😆
    Posted by SpockMcCoyIE on 27 Oct 21 at 15:18
    SpockMcCoyIEWorked like a charm, thanks!
    “Sorry, but not sorry” would have been a better title for this achievement. 😆
    Posted by SpockMcCoyIE on 27 Oct 21 at 15:19
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